Screen Space Local Reflections v2

The brick texture came from ninth’s original example, so I’ll leave that part for him to reply.

As for the code, ninth said it’s ok to integrate his original code into CommonFilters, so I would interpret this as “the same license as Panda itself”.

My contributions (the postprocessing filter framework, any new original filters, and the modifications that transformed ninth’s original SSLR and LensFlare examples into /, respectively) are under the same license as Panda itself.

Which, explicitly, is the modified BSD license:

I heard from rdb that the 1.9 release was too soon for including these changes, but they are being considered for 1.10, tentatively in a few months (but as usual in software releases, the date is subject to change without prior notice).

In the meantime, if you want the version of SSLR that is integrated into the new postprocessing framework and has the blur option, you can get the code from this forum. As of this writing, is the latest one containing the framework and all the new filters, provided as an attachment here:

Note that some minor things (possibly also the collection of filters available in the default set) will change in the final version; the exact details have not been decided yet.

EDIT: usage example now available in

Until I get around to writing a proper usage example, if you want to try running this, for an easy approach you can look at the backward-compatible API functions in - it works roughly the same as the old CommonFilters, but has more filters available. It should be pretty simple to get it up and running following one of the old examples on CommonFilters.

The only change required is importing your local CommonFilters190.CommonFilters instead of Panda’s default direct.filter.CommonFilters. In the final version, the module will be moved into the default location (replacing the old one).

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to try the new API, in short it works as follows. First, instantiate a FilterPipeline object and the desired filter objects (e.g. LocalReflection; for a complete list, go to the CommonFilters190 directory in your terminal and run python -m ListAllFilters). Then, call the addFilterInstance() method of FilterPipeline to bind each filter instance to the pipeline.

(Note that each filter instance can be bound to only one pipeline. But the other way around, one pipeline is allowed to have several instances of the same filter, provided that they are placed at different points in the render sequence.)

From the perspective of client code using existing filters, the classes Filter, FilterStage, CompoundFilter and RapidPrototypeCompoundFilter are internal and there is no need to use them.

To configure the filters, just write to their properties (either before or after binding, doesn’t matter; the pipeline automatically rebuilds when it needs to). See the Python help for each module for details on what’s available - they should all have fairly detailed docstrings. (And finally, feel free to post in the CommonFilters thread if you need help.)

You can also mix and match the APIs (hint: stores its filter instances in data members), but that’s neither recommended nor officially supported :slight_smile: