YABEE and blender 2.8

Hi there,

I don’t really know where to put this. I installed yabee in blender 2.8 but the export to egg-files does not show up. Is there something that has to be changed in yabee for it to work with 2.8?


[edit] NO [/edit] Solution for anybody who is interested: “Testing” has to be activated, it is in there.
[edit] even with this being activated, it does not show up in the import/export-menus [/edit]

I think the YABEE script needs to port 2.80. So much changed API. For example, there is no concept of slot textures, now it is a node.

What confuses me is in the description of the addon it says it needs at least 2.8x but does not work in 2.8

Where did you find this description?
https://github.com/09th/YABEE - it says “Egg exporter for the Blender 2.5, 2.6, 2.7”

If there are no exporters for Blender 2.80, then I have to release my own one to the public.

Blender 2.8 has a good glTF 2.0 exporter, and here is a good glTF 2.0 importer for Panda3D:

We’re planning on adopting glTF 2.0 as a native format in the engine which would make that the most reliable path for importing from Blender.


That is what the description of the addon in blender says.

Why immediately in bam? it is not comfortable.

Because the idea is to eventually replace .egg with .gltf. The glTF format is extensible, so we can add any features we need to it.

bl_info = {
    "name": "Panda3d EGG format",
    "author": "Andrey (Ninth) Arbuzov",
    "blender": (2, 6, 0),
    "api": 41226,
    "location": "File > Import-Export",
    "description": ("Export to Panda3D EGG: meshes, uvs, materials, textures, "
                    "armatures, animation and curves"),
    "warning": "May contain bugs. Make backup of your file before use.",
    "wiki_url": ("http://www.panda3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11441"),
    "tracker_url": "yabee.googlecode.com",
    "category": "Import-Export"}

The plugin does not contain such information.

However, implementing a third-party format is a good idea. This will do two things, provide utilities supported by a large community, and give projects portability between engines. Is there one question, are the plans for Panda3d 2.0? or earlier.

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http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=1b54291a5240ed13e5d4cd0032b1538b have a look at the upper right

I’m using Blender 2.78c, and I don’t see that version-requirement text in my addons screen. That said, I’d guess that it’s produced by Blender, not YABEE; perhaps Blender is misidentifying the requirements of YABEE, or notes that it’s in the 2.80 script-folder, or some such thing?

This is the obvious thing. So, you installed the script in blender 2.8, respectively, blender requires an update version YABEE. You misinterpreted the text.

In all fairness, while that may well be what was intended, that’s not the way that the text there reads, I think.

I can’t get Panda3D-gltf to work.

C:\Panda3D-1.10.3-x64\FPS>gltf2bam anim.gltf output.bam
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\panda3d-1.10.3-x64\python\lib\runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "c:\panda3d-1.10.3-x64\python\lib\runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\Panda3D-1.10.3-x64\python\Scripts\gltf2bam.exe\__main__.py", line 9, in <module>
  File "c:\panda3d-1.10.3-x64\python\lib\site-packages\gltf\cli.py", line 44, in main
    gltf.converter.convert(args.src, args.dst, settings)
  File "c:\panda3d-1.10.3-x64\python\lib\site-packages\gltf\converter.py", line 1102, in convert
    converter.update(gltf_data, writing_bam=True)
  File "c:\panda3d-1.10.3-x64\python\lib\site-packages\gltf\converter.py", line 139, in update
    self.load_skin(skinid, gltf_skin, gltf_data)
  File "c:\panda3d-1.10.3-x64\python\lib\site-packages\gltf\converter.py", line 664, in load_skin
    root = gltf_data['nodes'][gltf_skin['skeleton']]
KeyError: 'skeleton'

glTF 2.0 support is a major priority; if at all possible we should get this in 1.11. However, deprecating .egg altogether is probably a long time away.

Please file this as an issue on the panda3d-gltf repository so that @Moguri will see it.

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I have fixed up panda3d-gltf to work better with the Blender 2.80 glTF exporter. I recommend using the following settings:

  • Set Format to glTF Embeded or glTF Separate (Binary glTF is not currently supported by panda3d-gltf)
  • Enable Custom Properties to export get tags (game properties are no longer supported)
  • Disable +Y Up and tell panda3d-gltf to skip axis conversion (axis conversion is still a WIP in panda3d-gltf)
  • Enable Punctual Lights (Objects tab) to get lights
  • Select Always Sample Animations (Animation tab)

I have also updated blend2bam to export from Blender 2.8 using these recommended settings using a new gltf28 pipeline.

Also, keep in mind that exporting from Blender 2.80 currently requires using PBR materials.

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@Moguri I’m not sure if you noticed, but several of the problems you mentioned I submitted PRs for this morning:

I did not notice those yet. I’ll take a look over them. Thanks!

If I truly understand that animation is not supported? I converted the bam file, but I can’t play the animation again.