Export blender 3d model and convert it in .bam or .egg

Unfortunately, the 2.8 version of Blender made some changes that broke YABEE’s support for it. :/

There are a few options available, I believe:

  1. Downgrade Blender to 2.78, which should worth with YABEE.
  2. Get the version of YABEE updated for Blender 2.8 by another user.
  3. Use “blend2bam” to convert the Blender file to a BAM file.
  4. Export to glTF, and use Panda’s glTF importer to load the resultant file

(And there may be options that I’m missing.)

Each option may have a different set of features available (even the Blender 2.8 version of YABEE differs slightly from the Blender 2.7 version, I believe). It may thus be wise to look into which option offers the features that you want.

(Amongst those export options I’m only familiar with the Blender 2.7 version of YABEE, I’m afraid, and so feel that I’m not in a position to advise between them, myself.)