Shader terrain normal mapping fails for a new buffer

Hi everyone,

I implemented the normal mapping for my shader terrain. Everything works fine for the content in the main window (See the first image below). However, I made a second buffer with a new RGB camera, and the content captured by this new camera is incorrect (See the second image).

My fragment shader is as follows:

#version 330

// Number of splits in the PSSM, it must be in line with what is configured in the PSSMCameraRig
const int split_count=2;
uniform  vec3 light_direction;

uniform mat3 p3d_NormalMatrix;

uniform struct {
  sampler2D data_texture;
  sampler2D heightfield;
  int view_index;
  int terrain_size;
  int chunk_size;
} ShaderTerrainMesh;

uniform struct {
  vec4 position;
  vec3 color;
  vec3 attenuation;
  vec3 spotDirection;
  float spotCosCutoff;
  float spotExponent;
  sampler2DShadow shadowMap;
  mat4 shadowViewMatrix;
} p3d_LightSource[1];

uniform struct {
  vec4 ambient;
} p3d_LightModel;

uniform sampler2D p3d_Texture0;
uniform vec3 wspos_camera;

// asset
uniform sampler2D yellow_tex;
uniform sampler2D white_tex;
uniform sampler2D road_tex;
uniform sampler2D road_normal;
uniform sampler2D road_rough;

uniform sampler2D grass_tex;
uniform sampler2D grass_normal;
uniform sampler2D grass_rough;
uniform float grass_tex_ratio;

uniform sampler2D rock_tex;
uniform sampler2D rock_normal;
uniform sampler2D rock_rough;

uniform sampler2D attribute_tex;

// just learned that uniform means the variable won't change in each stage, while in/out is able to do that : )
uniform float elevation_texture_ratio;
uniform float height_scale;

uniform sampler2D PSSMShadowAtlas;

uniform mat4 pssm_mvps[split_count];
uniform vec2 pssm_nearfar[split_count];
uniform float border_bias;
uniform float fixed_bias;
uniform bool use_pssm;
uniform bool fog;

in vec2 terrain_uv;
in vec3 vtx_pos;
in vec4 projecteds[1];

out vec4 color;

// Projects a point using the given mvp
vec3 project(mat4 mvp, vec3 p) {
    vec4 projected = mvp * vec4(p, 1);
    return ( / projected.w) * vec3(0.5) + vec3(0.5);

vec3 get_color(vec3 diffuse, sampler2D normal_tex, sampler2D rough_tex, float tex_ratio, mat3 tbn){
//       float roughness = texture(rough_tex, terrain_uv * tex_ratio).r;
      vec3 normal = normalize(texture(normal_tex, terrain_uv * tex_ratio).rgb*2.0-1.0) * p3d_NormalMatrix;
//       normal = normalize(normal + (roughness - 0.5) * 2.0);
      vec3 basecolor =;
      normal = normalize(tbn * normal);
      vec3 light_dir = normalize(light_direction);
      vec3 shading = max(0.0, dot(normal, light_dir)) * diffuse;

      return shading;

void main() {
  float road_tex_ratio = 32.0 * elevation_texture_ratio;
  float grass_tex_ratio = grass_tex_ratio * elevation_texture_ratio;
  float r_min = (1-1/elevation_texture_ratio)/2;
  float r_max = (1-1/elevation_texture_ratio)/2+1/elevation_texture_ratio;
  vec4 attri = texture(attribute_tex, terrain_uv*elevation_texture_ratio+0.5);

  // terrain normal
  vec3 pixel_size = vec3(1.0, -1.0, 0) / textureSize(ShaderTerrainMesh.heightfield, 0).xxx;
  float h_u0 = texture(ShaderTerrainMesh.heightfield, terrain_uv + pixel_size.yz).x * height_scale;
  float h_u1 = texture(ShaderTerrainMesh.heightfield, terrain_uv + pixel_size.xz).x * height_scale;
  float h_v0 = texture(ShaderTerrainMesh.heightfield, terrain_uv + pixel_size.zy).x * height_scale;
  float h_v1 = texture(ShaderTerrainMesh.heightfield, terrain_uv + pixel_size.zx).x * height_scale;
  vec3 tangent = normalize(vec3(1, 0, h_u1 - h_u0));
  vec3 binormal = normalize(vec3(0, 1, h_v1 - h_v0));
  vec3 terrain_normal = normalize(cross(tangent, binormal));
  vec3 normal = normalize(p3d_NormalMatrix * terrain_normal);
  // normal.x *= -1;

  mat3 tbn = mat3(tangent, binormal, normal);
  vec3 shading = vec3(0.0);

  // Calculate the shading of each light in the scene
  for (int i = 0; i < p3d_LightSource.length(); ++i) {
    vec3 diff = p3d_LightSource[i] - vtx_pos * p3d_LightSource[i].position.w;
    vec3 light_vector = normalize(diff);
    vec3 light_shading = clamp(dot(normal, light_vector), 0.0, 1.0) * p3d_LightSource[i].color;
    // If PSSM is not used, use the shadowmap from the light
    // This is deeply ineficient, it's only to be able to compare the rendered shadows
    if (!use_pssm) {
      vec4 projected = projecteds[i];
      // Apply a bias to remove some of the self-shadow acne
      projected.z -= fixed_bias * 0.01 * projected.w;
      light_shading *= textureProj(p3d_LightSource[i].shadowMap, projected);
    shading += light_shading;
  vec3 color_origin;
  if ((attri.r > 0.01) && terrain_uv.x>r_min && terrain_uv.y > r_min && terrain_uv.x<r_max && terrain_uv.y<r_max){
    float value = attri.r; // Assuming it's a red channel texture
    vec3 diffuse;
    if (value < 0.11) {
        // Semantics for value 1
        diffuse=texture(yellow_tex, terrain_uv * road_tex_ratio).rgb;
    } else if (value < 0.21) {
        // Semantics for value 2
        diffuse = texture(road_tex, terrain_uv * road_tex_ratio).rgb;
    } else{
        // Semantics for value 4
        diffuse = texture(white_tex, terrain_uv * road_tex_ratio).rgb;
    color_origin=get_color(diffuse, road_normal,  road_rough, road_tex_ratio, tbn);

      // texture splatting, mixing ratio can be determined via rgba, no grass here
      vec3 diffuse = texture(grass_tex, terrain_uv * grass_tex_ratio).rgb;
      color_origin=get_color(diffuse, grass_normal, grass_rough, grass_tex_ratio, tbn);

  // static shadow
  vec3 light_dir = normalize(light_direction);
  shading *= max(0.0, dot(terrain_normal, light_dir));
  shading += vec3(0.07, 0.07, 0.1);

  // dynamic shadow
  if (use_pssm) {
    // Find in which split the current point is present.
    int split = 99;
    float border_bias = 0.5 - (0.5 / (1.0 + border_bias));

    // Find the first matching split
    for (int i = 0; i < split_count; ++i) {
        vec3 coord = project(pssm_mvps[i], vtx_pos);
        if (coord.x >= border_bias && coord.x <= 1 - border_bias &&
            coord.y >= border_bias && coord.y <= 1 - border_bias &&
            coord.z >= 0.0 && coord.z <= 1.0) {
            split = i;

    // Compute the shadowing factor
    if (split < split_count) {

        // Get the MVP for the current split
        mat4 mvp = pssm_mvps[split];

        // Project the current pixel to the view of the light
        vec3 projected = project(mvp, vtx_pos);
        vec2 projected_coord = vec2((projected.x + split) / float(split_count), projected.y);
        // Apply a fixed bias based on the current split to diminish the shadow acne
        float ref_depth = projected.z - fixed_bias * 0.001 * (1 + 1.5 * split);

        // Check if the pixel is shadowed or not
        float depth_sample = textureLod(PSSMShadowAtlas, projected_coord, 0).x;
        float shadow_factor = step(ref_depth, depth_sample);

        shading *= shadow_factor;

  shading +=;

  shading *=;

  if (fog) {
    // Fake fog
    float dist = distance(vtx_pos, wspos_camera);
    float fog_factor = smoothstep(0, 1, dist / 8000.0);
    shading = mix(shading, vec3(0.7, 0.7, 0.8), fog_factor);
  color = vec4(shading, 1.0);

When I change the return value of get_color to basecolor and disable the normal mapping, the contents in the two buffers are the same. Thus, I am sure the inconsistency is caused by the p3d_NormalMatrix and tbn matrix in the get_color function.

I am not good at CG. But I guess when shading the scene with the second camera, the p3d_NormalMatrix is calculated with the thus raising the problem. Actually, I verified my guess by synchronizing the pose of both cameras in every frame. It turns out the scene in two buffers is the same if the two cameras are at the same position with the same Hpr.

Could you confirm my guess? If it is true, how can I fix this? Thank you so much.

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I don’t know whether your guess is true–it seems plausible–but if the matrix is incorrect, then perhaps the simplest solution might be to construct it yourself.

Specifically, looking at the documentation, I see that p3d_NormalMatrix is “the upper 3x3 of the inverse transpose of the ModelViewMatrix”.

Since the scene appears to be rendering correctly aside from the normals, the ModelViewMatrix seems likely to be correct.

Thus you should be able to take the ModelViewMatrix, transpose it, invert it, and then take the upper 3x3 portion of it.

And Panda makes that quite simple: as the same docs point out, you should be able to just use “uniform mat4 p3d_ModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose;” to get the inverse transpose.

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The NormalMatrix is always calculated for the current camera. Just like ModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose, so switching it out shouldn’t make a difference. Barring a bug in Panda with updating the shader inputs, I think you have to look for your problem elsewhere.

Which version of Panda3D are you using, out of curiosity?


How are you calculating “vtx_pos”? This is a bit of a stab in the dark, but is that in view-space?

Thank you! I will try to build that matrix on my own and see if it helps.

My vertex shader is as follows. It is copied from the panda3d samples.

#version 330

// This is the default terrain vertex shader. Most of the time you can just copy
// this and reuse it, and just modify the fragment shader.

in vec4 p3d_Vertex;
uniform mat4 p3d_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 p3d_ModelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 p3d_ModelMatrix;

uniform struct {
  sampler2D data_texture;
  sampler2D heightfield;
  int view_index;
  int terrain_size;
  int chunk_size;
} ShaderTerrainMesh;

uniform struct {
  vec4 position;
  vec3 color;
  vec3 attenuation;
  vec3 spotDirection;
  float spotCosCutoff;
  float spotExponent;
  sampler2DShadow shadowMap;
  mat4 shadowViewMatrix;
} p3d_LightSource[1];

out vec2 terrain_uv;
out vec3 vtx_pos;
out vec4 projecteds[1];

void main() {

  // Terrain data has the layout:
  // x: x-pos, y: y-pos, z: size, w: clod
  vec4 terrain_data = texelFetch(ShaderTerrainMesh.data_texture,
    ivec2(gl_InstanceID, ShaderTerrainMesh.view_index), 0);

  // Get initial chunk position in the (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0) range
  vec3 chunk_position =;

  // CLOD implementation
  float clod_factor = smoothstep(0, 1, terrain_data.w);
  chunk_position.xy -= clod_factor * fract(chunk_position.xy * ShaderTerrainMesh.chunk_size / 2.0)
                          * 2.0 / ShaderTerrainMesh.chunk_size;

  // Scale the chunk
  chunk_position *= terrain_data.z * float(ShaderTerrainMesh.chunk_size)
                    / float(ShaderTerrainMesh.terrain_size);
  chunk_position.z *= ShaderTerrainMesh.chunk_size;

  // Offset the chunk, it is important that this happens after the scale
  chunk_position.xy += terrain_data.xy / float(ShaderTerrainMesh.terrain_size);

  // Compute the terrain UV coordinates
  terrain_uv = chunk_position.xy;

  // Sample the heightfield and offset the terrain - we do not need to multiply
  // the height with anything since the terrain transform is included in the
  // model view projection matrix.
  chunk_position.z += texture(ShaderTerrainMesh.heightfield, terrain_uv).x;
  gl_Position = p3d_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(chunk_position, 1);

  // Output the vertex world space position - in this case we use this to render
  // the fog.
 // Lower the terrain on the borders - this ensures the shadow map is generated
  // correctly.
  if ( min(terrain_uv.x, terrain_uv.y) < 8.0 / ShaderTerrainMesh.terrain_size ||
     max(terrain_uv.x, terrain_uv.y) > 1 - 9.0 / ShaderTerrainMesh.terrain_size) {
     chunk_position.z = 0;
  vtx_pos = (p3d_ModelMatrix * vec4(chunk_position, 1)).xyz;
  projecteds[0] = p3d_LightSource[0].shadowViewMatrix * (p3d_ModelViewMatrix * vec4(chunk_position, 1));

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Thank you! I will keep checking my code. And I am using panda3d-1.10.13

Ah, wait–I may be mistaken, but it looks like “vtx_pos” is being calculated for world-space, not view-space. (As a result of applying the model-matrix, “p3d_ModelMatrix”.)

Conversely, both the position-values held in “p3d_LightSource” and the normals produced by application of “p3d_NormalMatrix” are, I believe, in view-space.

This, it seems to me, may be the cause of your inconsistency.

I might suggest then instead calculating “vtx_pos” for view-space, using–if I’m not much mistaken–the matrix “p3d_ModelViewMatrix” in place of “p3d_ModelMatrix”.

However! Note that “vtx_pos” does seem to be in use elsewhere in your shader. I haven’t examined these other usages to see whether they’re supposed to be in view-space. You might want to check those.

If they’re supposed to be in world-space, then you might want to consider outputting from your vertex-shader a separate view-space version of “vtx_pos” (e.g. “vtx_pos_view”) for the specific purpose of lighting, thus allowing you to leave the current “vtx_pos” for those other calculations.


Well. It turns out my code is wrong. For example, the normal vector in my TNB matrix is in view space instead of world coordinates, and when I apply p3d_NormalMatrix to the normal texture, I multiply them incorrectly (It should be p3d_NormalMtrix * normal. lol).

To be honest, I spent some days learning basic CG from websites like: LearnOpenGL - Normal Mapping to understand what you are talking about. Finally, I rewrote the code and everything is fine now. Thank you very much!

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For what it’s worth, I gather that it’s usual to do these things in view-space–hence p3d_NormalMatrix working with that space, I believe.

(Even if I myself tend to work in world-space. But that’s just me.)

Anyay, I’m glad that you got it working, if I take it correctly! :slight_smile: