Render pipeline not working

NAAHHHH, i dont need a bit

fine, here you go, pip - 21.2.4 - found when I typed in ‘pip --version’
pip 21.2.4 from C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38
-32\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.8)

and what do you mean by “you’d better install from github”


look above


Serega may simply not be around at the moment–you may have to wait for them to return, or for another user who’s familiar with RenderPipeline to arrive and decide to respond to your thread.

After all, this is a forum: there’s no guarantee that a given person (or anyone, for that matter) is going to be around at any specific time, or that messages will be seen quickly.

I meant install from the github repository. Formally, RP has no installation via pip.

no no no i installed it by inserting a link

It’s not about where you installed RP from, I know where, you said above. It’s about offering to install it from github.

Let’s go the other way, I have prepared for you a sample code that uses the Render Pipeline configuration file

Check if it works for you.

from panda3d.core import load_prc_file_data

load_prc_file_data('', '''pstats-gpu-timing #t
                          gl-debug #t
                          gl-debug-object-labels #t
                          sync-video #f
                          pstats-max-rate 200
                          vfs-case-sensitive #t
                          state-cache #t
                          transform-cache #t
                          show-frame-rate-meter #f
                          text-minfilter linear
                          text-magfilter linear
                          text-page-size 512 512
                          text-rwap-mode WM_border_clor
                          text-flatten 0
                          text-dynamic-merge 1
                          support-stencil #f
                          framebuffer-stencil #f
                          framebuffer-srgb #f
                          framebuffer-multisample #f
                          multisamples 0
                          textures-power-2 none
                          texture-anisotropic-degree 16
                          texture-magfilter linear
                          texture-minfilter linear
                          texture-quality-level fastest
                          gl-cube-map-seamless #t
                          model-cache-textures #f
                          notify-level-pnmimage error
                          show-buffers #f
                          gl-coordinate-system default
                          interpolate-frames #t
                          gl-force-fbo-color #f
                          gl-version 4 3
                          garbage-collect-states #t
                          gl-finish #f
                          gl-force-no-error #t
                          gl-check-errors #f
                          gl-force-no-flush #t
                          gl-force-no-scissor #t
                          gl-enable-memory-barriers #f
                          lock-to-one-cpu #t
                          support-threads #f
                          driver-generate-mipmaps #t
                          gl-immutable-texture-storage #t
                          color-bits 0
                          framebuffer-depth #f
                          gl-fixed-vertex-attrib-locations #f
                          gl-validate-shaders #f
                          gl-skip-shader-recompilation-warnings #t
                          alpha-scale-via-texture #f
                          pstats-name Render Pipeline Stats
                          rescale-normals #f
                          screenshot-extension png
                          always-store-prev-transform #t
                          allow-incomplete-render #t
                          no-singular-invert #f

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

class Game(ShowBase):
    def __init__(self):

app = Game()

What should I name this .py file? Where should I put it?
In the render pipeline folder? Or another place in render pipeline. I am being patient.

Just run it, just like this one.

ummm oh!

Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
:display:wgldisplay(error): Could not create GL context.
:display:wgldisplay(error): Closing window because no valid context is available
:ShowBase(warning): Unable to open ‘onscreen’ window.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 67, in
app = Game()
File “”, line 65, in init
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\direct\showbase\”, line 339, in init
self.openDefaultWindow(startDirect = False, props=props)
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\direct\showbase\”, line 1021, in openDefaultWindow
self.openMainWindow(*args, **kw)
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\direct\showbase\”, line 1056, in openMainWindow
self.openWindow(*args, **kw)
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\direct\showbase\”, line 801, in openWindow
raise Exception(‘Could not open window.’)
Exception: Could not open window.

well I put the code in the same py file as I ran the code that you gave before.

The truth is somewhere nearby.

Now you need to understand which parameter prevents you from opening the window.
Delete the configuration lines at random until the window opens. For example:

gl-version 4 3

Or others.


pinpoint exactly, I’ve removed what you said and I got

what next?

Hooray, now find this config/panda3d-config.prc file in the RP folder in python packages.
You need to find where the RP was installed. And delete this line from the file there.

Also provide information about the video card.

nope, sorry for that, but I’ve opened the file with ms word and it opened perfectly. I found gl-version 4 3 by the ‘CTRL+F’ command, for some reason when I found gl-version 4 3 it was an individual - because there was nothing in the line except for gl-version 4 3 so yeah I’ve removed it, when I looked again via the ‘CTRL+F’ command it said no matches. so yeah heedlessly
I saved it and ran the RENDER PIPELINE SAMPLES - “roaming ralph” -
render pipeline edition - and when I ran it - it made a window and suddenly made the whole window fullscreen and there was no CLOSE nor MINIMIZE button, I immediately clicked the windows key and L it closed - and I logged on, the window somehow closed, and I’ve seen the terminal immediately - it read:
[>] CORE rpcore.native imported
[>] CORE Using panda3d-supplied core module
[>] RenderPipeline Using Python 3.8 with architecture win_i386
[>] RenderPipeline Using Panda3D 1.10.10 built on Aug 31 2021 07:17:5
[>] RenderPipeline Using git commit 47836f11d802762ef89d452dd6e33b31f
[>] MountManager Auto-Detected base path to /c/Users/Cherry.Venkat-
[>] RenderPipeline Mount manager was not mounted, mounting now …
[>] MountManager Setting up virtual filesystem
[>] MountManager Mounting auto-detected config dir: /c/Users/Cherry
[>] MountManager Mounting ramdisk as /$$rptemp
[>] RenderPipeline No settings loaded, loading from default location

Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
[>] RenderPipeline Driver Version = 4.2.0 - Build
[>] RenderPipeline Driver Vendor = Intel
[>] RenderPipeline Driver Renderer = Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400
[>] RenderPipeline Render resolution is 1360 x 732
[!] RPLoader Loading ‘/$$rp/data/gui/loading_screen_bg.txo’ too
k 187.2 ms
[>] LightManager Tile size = 24 x 16 , Num tiles = 57 x 46
[>] GPUCommandQueue Allocating command buffer of size 32768
[>] GroupedInputBlock Native UBO support = False
[!] RPLoader Loading ‘/$$rp/data/default_cubemap/cubemap.txo’ t
ook 327.6 ms
[!] RPLoader Loading ‘/$$rp/data/environment_brdf/slices/env_br
df_#.png’ took 312.0 ms
[!] RPLoader Loading ‘/$$rp/data/builtin_models/skybox/skybox.t
xo’ took 124.8 ms
[>] PluginManager Loading plugin settings
[>] PluginManager Creating plugin instances …
[>] Debugger Creating debugger
[>] plugin:scattering Loading scattering method for ‘eric_bruneton’
[>] StageManager Setup stages …
[>] StageManager Preparing stages …
[>] AOStage Blur quality is MEDIUM
[>] StageManager Awaiting future pipe Exposure
[>] UpdatePreviousPipesStage Creating previous pipes stage …
[>] StageManager Writing shader config
[!] RPLoader Loading ‘/$$rp/shader/
sl, rpplugins/scattering/shader/scattering_envmap.frag.glsl’ took 171.6 ms
[!] RPLoader Skipping further loading warnings (max warning cou
nt reached)
:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn’t read: ./tex/empty_basecolor.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture “./tex/empty_basecolor.png” on model-path /
:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn’t read: ./tex/empty_normal.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture “./tex/empty_normal.png” on model-path /$$r
:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn’t read: ./tex/empty_specular.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture “./tex/empty_specular.png” on model-path /$
:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn’t read: ./tex/empty_roughness.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture “./tex/empty_roughness.png” on model-path /
[>] plugin:pssm Initializing pssm …
AL lib: (EE) ALCwasapiPlayback_mixerProc: WaitForSingleObjectEx error: 0x102
[>] ScatteringMethodEricBruneton Precomputing …
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant

:display:gsg:glgsg(error): GLSL compile failed for shader 18, “/$$rp/rpplugins/s
cattering/shader/eric_bruneton/add_delta_e.compute.glsl”: ERROR: 2048:140: Unary
operation not folded into constant
ERROR: 2048:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: 2048:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: 2048:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: 2048:234: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: 0:36: ‘’ : syntax error: incorrect preprocessor directive
ERROR: 0:45: ‘dest’ : undeclared identifier
ERROR: 0:45: ‘imageLoad’ : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit
ERROR: 0:45: ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘const float’ to ‘4-component vector of
ERROR: 0:46: ‘imageStore’ : no matching overloaded function found (using implici
t conversion)

:display:gsg:glgsg(error): An error occurred while compiling GLSL compute shader
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:140: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:153: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:166: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:202: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: scattering_common.glsl:234: Unary operation not folded into constant
ERROR: /$$rp/rpplugins/scattering/shader/eric_bruneton/add_delta_e.compute.glsl:
36: ‘’ : syntax error: incorrect preprocessor directive
ERROR: /$$rp/rpplugins/scattering/shader/eric_bruneton/add_delta_e.compute.glsl:
45: ‘dest’ : undeclared identifier
ERROR: /$$rp/rpplugins/scattering/shader/eric_bruneton/add_delta_e.compute.glsl:
45: ‘imageLoad’ : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversi
ERROR: /$$rp/rpplugins/scattering/shader/eric_bruneton/add_delta_e.compute.glsl:
45: ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘const float’ to ‘4-component vector of float’
ERROR: /$$rp/rpplugins/scattering/shader/eric_bruneton/add_delta_e.compute.glsl:
46: ‘imageStore’ : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit convers

Assertion failed: _current_shader_context != nullptr at line 6938 of c:\buildsla
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 314, in
w = World().run()
File “”, line 70, in init
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\rpcore\”, line 184, in create
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\rpcore\pluginbase\”, line 171, in trigger_hook
getattr(plugin_handle, hook_method)()
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\rpplugins\scattering\”, line 48, in on_pipeline_created
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\rpplugins\scattering\”, line 236, in compute
File “C:\Users\Cherry.Venkat-HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib
site-packages\rpplugins\scattering\”, line 156, in exec_com
AssertionError: _current_shader_context != nullptr at line 6938 of c:\buildslave
[>] MountManager Cleaning up …
is there a fix?

The problem may be bonal, your video card is not suitable. I note that you did not provide information on the video card.

You also ignored the request to install the RenderPipeline from an official source.

You need to listen to what is being offered.