more compleate gui system

Because i tried to make the UI pixel perfect those are pixels in the image. Its also easy to find them in programs like GIMP and photoshop. I did not want to use float points because of round off errors happen where you least expect them.

yeah took me some time but i managed to figure out which value was which.
still having some problems with the check buttons…

self.gearbutton = self.add(Check("",pos=Vec2(375,40),size=Vec2(36,105),onClick=self.buttonEvent));
    def buttonEvent(self,button,key,mouse):
        self.regenerate = True
        if self.form.node.isHidden():
            print "checkon"
            print "checkoff"

The image dosent change…
i guess i need to do something different here.

I have put the newer code in the bzr, unfortunately the symbolic link messes up windows and i had to reset it - in order for it to work. So it would have to be redownloaded.

check buttons just have a .value attribute that they set. You can just check for if its true (set) or false (unset)

is there a packed file somewhere for the whole project?

now there is …

thanks alot… sry for my noobish questions…