more compleate gui system

Yeah, if mouseover is tough that’s ok, but disabled is key for buttons, pushed would be nice as well, esp if you could allow a push to happen from a keystroke as well.

Ok new version a little more samples and i have decoupled treegui from aspect2d and it no longer requres a special folder strucutre just drop the “gui” folder into your project and import stuff you need.

ColShag, i have added the scrollable select list for you. The graphics and the fine level control will imporve (its still a bit clunky)

great, thanks, I can’t wait to try it out!

I want to redesign how i do some stuff. So that mouse over and other cool things will be as snappy as the rest. I am not liking how i did the draw/redraw/refit system.

I’m just glad you are still working on it, and seem to be engaged into making it better.

Basically right now when you modify the objects shape you have to mark it “old” and call gui redraw… which is stupid. If it changes shape only that object needs to be updated. The other problem is their Z value and draw order also can get messed up and right now that that is handled the same but it should not.

Also performance been bothering me. Because of some many little buttons and widgets it can create more then 300 geoms which slows down the game. I have to some how pack parts of it … parts that are located in the same clip plane object … now if they change they have to regenerate entire clip plane…

So its like pulling rug from one corner having it mess up on another.

I’m just glad you seem to have the desire and ability to figure out a better gui system. Personally I don’t have either, I just want tools in my toolbox to put my game together. I’m more of a game designer then an expert with panda3d. That being said I’m quite impressed with Panda3d, its very robust and easy to use. I can see that if you have the time and skill you can do a lot with it. My problem is that I have the ideas, but I don’t have the time to tweak panda all day.

Currently, I’m dealing with panda3d’s built in gui and getting by. Mainly I’m just rethinking how I use gui to work around panda’s limited gui features. Hopefully your improvements will allow myself and others to go forward with more “tools”…

Thanks again,


Hi, I have noticed that X button on Forms is missing in 0.3 … I tried to fix it, but I’m still not familiar with your code enough. :frowning:

Edit: So i have managed to fix it - the problem was only in your examles. But i found another bug, when i set size of a button (or any widget inheriting it), the tiles simply repeat :frowning:

There are 2 modes stretch and tile (repeat). So you might want to use the stretch mode.

I’ll be releasing a new version soon would you mind sharing what you did? And request for improvements? I think ill be rebuilding the redraw/draw/resize methods now that i am working on a map/egg/mesh-cleanup editor.

I have added only a few methods:
Btw. It may be better to use **args notation in widgets init methods (its important for inheritance - when you add color argument to widget, you dont have to add it to other classes by hand). And the feature requests … buttons should (imho) have centered text by default (i did a method for it, but didnt test it much…).
Finally, thank you for your work :slight_smile: I am looking forward the new version, hope it will be released soon… (btw you may establish some repository - git,svn or so - i can do some testing :wink:)

i already use BZR for it. Will that be ok? I’ll stick that on launchpad. Centered buttons hmm for some reason did not accrue to me. I am still at a loss how to specify this stuff in the theme file. Like font/color. I think i need to add hooks for that.

yeah, no problem… what is the address ?

i have added the gui at launchpad

There is some recent brackge ill try to fix it in the next few days.

treeform, I’d just bzr-ed the treeguy trunk on launchpad but the gui folder is missing - is still on or what happened?

i think i accidentally committed a symbolic link, i will recommit an updated version.

Is there a “packaged” release, at least like a Zip file, that one can download?

ill get it out when i get home, the stuff floating around the net is old

how do i make a window that cannot be dragged?

Either do a Pane if you want some thing with borders or Holder which is just a generic holder class which does not have any.

If you want a Frame but want to disable dragging subclass frame and override the functionality.

im quite confused about the theme coordinates…
how do they really work?

FORM = StretchBorder(20,0,308,780,0)
what does each number do here?

how about ?