This still interrupts the main loop and freezes the application. Prepending the keyword “BLOCKING” to the c++ function doesn’t fix things either. I’m terribly sorry if this is a simple question, but I am just getting started with this particular feature after all.
There’s nothing in that function to make it asynchronous. It just runs a long while loop and then returns an AsyncFuture that is not marked “done” (so Python will spend forever waiting for it).
Also, you should really use PT(AsyncFuture) and allocate a future on the heap with new.
Your C++ method should actually be creating a task (which inherits AsyncFuture, so you can just return the task) or a thread (from which you can call future->set_result()).
Here is an example using C++11 threads:
PT(AsyncFuture) test_me() {
PT(AsyncFuture) ret_me = new AsyncFuture;
std::thread t([=](){
// do something that runs in the background
// let the future know that it's done
return ret_me;
If you are comfortable using C++20, you can actually use C++20 coroutines with the Panda3D task manager. You need some glue code with that, but that would allow you to write async code as easily as with Python: