Hi !
As my first post on this forum, I wanted to give something back to this nice community after lurking here for some time.
As part of my current Panda3D project, I implemented a kind of enhanced DirectEntry, which is fully editable;
you can:
- click the left mouse button anywhere in the text to place the cursor there;
- select text using
+ arrow keys; - select text using
; - select all text using
; - select text by dragging the left mouse button over it;
- copy selected text to the clipboard using
; - paste text from the clipboard using
(overwriting selected text if any, otherwise it is inserted at the cursor position); - cut selected text using
; - erase selected text using
EDIT April 2020:
Updated code to work with Python 3.
Tested with Panda3D 1.10.6 under Windows; since copying and pasting makes use of Tkinter, it will hopefully work on other platforms too.
Known issues:
pasting and erasing text while selecting it with the mouse doesn’t update the selection correctly.
Since it was already quite a bit of work to get it all working this well, I’m not currently planning to correct this problem, so I will have to give you the “Just don’t do that” cop-out advice .
Anyway, I hope some of you will find it useful .
from panda3d.core import *
from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import DirectObject
from tkinter import Tk
r = Tk()
class InputField:
def __init__(self, app, pos, scale, width, geoms, on_commit=None):
self._screen = app.aspect2d
self._mouse_watcher = app.mouseWatcherNode
self._task_mgr = app.taskMgr
win_props = app.win.get_properties()
self._aspect_ratio = 1. * win_props.get_x_size() / win_props.get_y_size()
self._scale = scale
# Initialize the main variables
self._listener = DirectObject.DirectObject()
self._selecting_input = False
self._select_with_mouse_started = False
self._start_select_from_current_pos = False
self._ignore_set_text = False
self._text_was_erased = False
self._cursor_was_moved = False
self._text_was_entered = False
self._text_prev = ""
self._edited_text = ""
self._edit = ""
self._edit_start = 0
self._char_positions = []
self._cursor_prev = (0, 0.)
self._select_start = (0, 0.)
self._selection = ""
# Create the text selection background
cm = CardMaker("text_selection_bg")
cm.set_frame(0., 1., -.5, 1.)
cm.set_color(.5, .5, 1., 1.)
self._sel_bg = NodePath(cm.generate())
# Create the DirectEntry, to which the text selection background will be
# assigned as a geom when needed
self._d_entry = DirectEntry(
# Retrieve the geoms to be displayed for the different states of the input
# field
self._geom_hilited = geoms.find("**/*_hilited") # for when field has focus
self._geom_normal = geoms.find("**/*_normal") # for when field has no focus
# Create a DirectEntryScroll, to which the actual geometry of the input
# field will be assigned
self._scroll_frame = DirectEntryScroll(
clipSize=(0., width, -.5, 1.)
cursor_move = self._d_entry.guiItem.get_cursormove_event()
type_text = self._d_entry.guiItem.get_type_event()
self._listener.accept(cursor_move, self.__edit_entry)
self._listener.accept(type_text, self.__notify_edit)
self._listener.accept("escape", self.__cancel_input)
self._listener.accept("control-c", self.__copy_selection)
self._listener.accept("delete", self.__notify_erase, extraArgs=["delete"])
self._listener.accept("backspace", self.__notify_erase, extraArgs=["backspace"])
self._listener.accept("shift-delete", self.__notify_erase, extraArgs=["delete"])
self._listener.accept("shift-backspace", self.__notify_erase, extraArgs=["backspace"])
self._listener.accept("shift-arrow_left", self.__notify_select)
self._listener.accept("shift-arrow_right", self.__notify_select)
self._listener.accept("shift-arrow_left-repeat", self.__notify_select)
self._listener.accept("shift-arrow_right-repeat", self.__notify_select)
self._listener.accept("shift-home", self.__notify_select)
self._listener.accept("shift-end", self.__notify_select)
self._listener.accept("control-a", self.__select_all)
self._listener.accept("control-x", self.__cut_selection)
self._d_entry.bind(DGG.B1PRESS, self.__enable_select_with_mouse)
self._d_entry.bind(DGG.B1RELEASE, self.__disable_select_with_mouse)
if on_commit:
on_commit_command, on_commit_args = on_commit
# As it is possible that some text is selected when committing the input,
# the formatting code for the white text color would be passed along to
# the command that is called then.
# To prevent this, the given command is wrapped inside a function that
# ensures only the plain text is passed, as is normally expected.
def command(text):
on_commit_command(self._d_entry.get(True), *on_commit_args)
self._d_entry["command"] = command
self._d_entry["focusInCommand"] = self.__on_focus_in
self._d_entry["focusOutCommand"] = self.__on_focus_out
def __clear_selection(self):
self._selecting_input = False
self._d_entry["geom"] = None
self._selection = ""
self._d_entry.set(self._d_entry.get(True)) # reset the entry text to black
self._ignore_set_text = True
def __notify_edit(self, edit_data):
self._text_was_entered = True
text_prev = self._edited_text
text = self._d_entry.get(True)
if text != text_prev:
self._edited_text = text
cursor_pos = self._d_entry.guiItem.get_cursor_position()
cursor_pos_prev = self._cursor_prev[0]
self._edit = text[cursor_pos_prev:cursor_pos]
self._edit_start = cursor_pos_prev
def __notify_select(self):
if self._d_entry.guiItem.get_focus():
self._cursor_was_moved = True
def __notify_erase(self, key):
if self._d_entry.guiItem.get_focus():
self._text_was_erased = True
cursor_pos = self._d_entry.guiItem.get_cursor_position()
# force entry edit when trying to erase past text start or end, so
# the selection - if any - still gets erased
if ((key == "delete" and cursor_pos == len(self._d_entry.get(True)))
or (key == "backspace" and cursor_pos == 0)):
cursor_x = self._d_entry.guiItem.getCursorX()
self.__edit_entry(cursor_x, 0.)
def __edit_entry(self, cursor_x, cursor_y):
entry = self._d_entry
if not entry.guiItem.get_focus():
cursor_pos = entry.guiItem.get_cursor_position()
# whenever entry.set() is called, the cursor position changes, so this
# function gets called; if the previous call to this function indicated
# that the change in text should be ignored, only the new position of the
# cursor should be checked this time
if self._ignore_set_text and not self._cursor_was_moved:
self._cursor_prev = (cursor_pos, cursor_x)
self._ignore_set_text = False
manually_set_cursor = False
# Determine if text was added to the entry.
if self._selection and self._text_was_entered and not self._cursor_was_moved:
# since the cursor was not moved using the arrow keys or by dragging the
# mouse, a printable character must have been entered
edit = self._edit
edit_pos = self._edit_start
edit = ""
edit_pos = -1
self._edit = ""
# Handle selection deletion/overwriting.
if self._selection and (edit or self._text_was_erased):
entry_txt_prev = self._edited_text
start_pos, start_x = self._select_start
end_pos, end_x = self._cursor_prev
start, end = sorted([start_pos, end_pos])
edit_len = len(edit)
if edit_pos == start:
entry_txt = entry_txt_prev[:start+edit_len] + entry_txt_prev[end+edit_len:]
entry_txt = entry_txt_prev[:start] + entry_txt_prev[end:]
self._edited_text = entry_txt
entry.setCursorPosition(start + edit_len)
manually_set_cursor = True
# Start, change or cancel selection.
if self._cursor_was_moved:
if not self._selecting_input:
# Start selection
self._selecting_input = True
entry["geom"] = self._sel_bg
if self._start_select_from_current_pos:
self._select_start = (cursor_pos, cursor_x)
self._start_select_from_current_pos = False
self._select_start = self._cursor_prev
start_pos, start_x = self._select_start
if start_pos != cursor_pos:
# Adjust the selection background
entry["geom"] = self._sel_bg
entry["geom_pos"] = (start_x, 0., 0.)
entry["geom_scale"] = (cursor_x - start_x, 1., 1.)
# Determine the new selection
start, end = sorted([start_pos, cursor_pos])
self._selection = entry.get(True)[start:end]
# Set the selection color to white
entry_txt = entry.get(True)
entry_txt = entry_txt[:start] + "\1white\1" + self._selection \
+ "\2" + entry_txt[end:]
self._ignore_set_text = True
elif self._selecting_input:
# Cancel selection
if not self._text_was_entered:
# the delete or backspace keys must have been pressed, which is not
# registered through entry.guiItem.getTypeEvent(), so the edited text
# has to be updated here since it didn't happen in notifyEdit()
self._edited_text = entry.get(True)
self._text_was_erased = False
self._text_was_entered = False
self._cursor_was_moved = False
if not manually_set_cursor:
self._cursor_prev = (cursor_pos, cursor_x)
def __select_all(self):
entry = self._d_entry
if entry.guiItem.get_focus():
selection = entry.get(True)
if selection:
self._select_start = (0, 0.)
entry["geom_pos"] = (0., 0., 0.)
self._cursor_was_moved = True
self._selecting_input = True
cursor_pos = entry.guiItem.get_cursor_position()
# force entry edit if cursor is already at end of text
if cursor_pos == len(selection):
cursor_x = entry.guiItem.getCursorX()
self.__edit_entry(cursor_x, 0.)
def __copy_selection(self):
if self._d_entry.guiItem.get_focus() and self._selection:
def __cut_selection(self):
if self._d_entry.guiItem.get_focus() and self._selection:
self._text_was_erased = True
cursor_x = self._d_entry.guiItem.getCursorX()
self.__edit_entry(cursor_x, 0.)
def __cancel_input(self):
if self._d_entry.guiItem.get_focus():
def __get_char_positions(self):
tn = self._d_entry.guiItem.get_text_def(0)
text = ""
char_pos = [0.]
for char in self._d_entry.get(True):
text += char
return char_pos
def __set_cursor_to_mouse_pos(self, task):
entry = self._d_entry
entry_txt = entry.get(True)
if entry_txt != self._text_prev:
self._char_positions = self.__get_char_positions()
self._text_prev = entry_txt
if entry_txt:
char_positions = self._char_positions[:]
right_edge = char_positions[-1]
m_x = (self._mouse_watcher.get_mouse_x() * self._aspect_ratio \
- entry.get_x(self._screen)) / self._scale
if m_x <= 0.:
cursor_pos = 0
elif m_x >= right_edge:
cursor_pos = len(char_positions) - 1
index = char_positions.index(m_x)
pos_left = char_positions[index-1]
pos_right = char_positions[index+1]
if m_x < (pos_left + pos_right) / 2.:
cursor_pos = index - 1
cursor_pos = index
cursor_pos = 0
if (cursor_pos != entry.guiItem.get_cursor_position()
or self._select_with_mouse_started):
self._select_with_mouse_started = False
self._cursor_was_moved = True
return task.cont
def __enable_select_with_mouse(self, event_data):
self._task_mgr.add(self.__set_cursor_to_mouse_pos, "set_cursor_to_mouse_pos")
if not self._mouse_watcher.is_button_down("shift"):
self._start_select_from_current_pos = True
self._select_with_mouse_started = True
def __disable_select_with_mouse(self, event_data):
self._cursor_was_moved = False
def __on_focus_in(self):
self._scroll_frame["geom"] = self._geom_hilited
def __on_focus_out(self):
self._cursor_prev = (0, 0.)
self._scroll_frame["geom"] = self._geom_normal
Example application:
from panda3d.core import *
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from inputfield import InputField
class App(ShowBase):
def __init__(self):
# It is necessary to set up the white color text property for selected text
props_mgr = TextPropertiesManager.get_global_ptr()
col_prop = TextProperties()
col_prop.set_text_color((1., 1., 1., 1.))
props_mgr.set_properties("white", col_prop)
# Define the transformation of the InputField
pos = Vec3(-.5, 0., 0.)
scale = .3
width = 4.
# Normally, the geoms needed for the different states of the InputField
# are created as external resources (e.g. using egg-texture-cards.exe), but
# for the sake of this example they will be created using CardMaker.
# Note that they should be combined into a hierarchy.
geoms = NodePath("input_field_geoms")
cm = CardMaker("inputfield_geom_normal")
cm.set_frame(0., width, -.5, 1.)
cm.set_color(.5, .5, .5, 1.)
cm = CardMaker("inputfield_geom_hilited")
cm.set_frame(0., width, -.5, 1.)
cm.set_color(.8, .8, .8, 1.)
# Define a function that will be called when committing the entry text
def on_commit_func(text, field_name):
print(f"The following has been entered into {field_name}:", text)
def on_keystroke(text):
print("The following has been typed:", text)
# Create two input fields
self.accept("keystroke_event", on_keystroke)
on_commit = (on_commit_func, ["inputfield_1"])
self.field1 = InputField(self, pos, scale, width, geoms, on_commit)
pos = Vec3(-.5, 0., .5)
on_commit = (on_commit_func, ["inputfield_2"])
self.field2 = InputField(self, pos, scale, width, geoms, on_commit)