Droid Game 3D - Third Person Shooter!

Update 9.0.0! Due to my latest announcement:

I have fixed the ipgetter. Now you have to install the ipgetter2 module by using:
pip install ipgetter2
And also, now the game has finally been ported to 1.10.9! (It was 1.10.8 earlier.)


Cloning code:
git clone GitHub - Sleet827/Droid-Game-with-Panda3D

Hello friends! I have exciting news! Next week, we will finally release 10.0.0, which is the official game release! (1.0). Me and @ma3rx are going to spend this entire week to find any bugs and fix them. Also, if you find a bug please report it in the forums.

Yes, Iā€™ll try to find. By the way, friends, support my Admin fun server. Every day there are more players. Now I will make an update in which you can advertise your server on other servers (including mine). You can only advertise other playersā€™ servers with their permission. If this rule is violated, I ask me to write about it and indicate the name of the user who did it. After that, this player will be banned.

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Hello. I know 9.0.0 had various bugs. So 9.0.1 fixes those bugs.

Cloning code:
git clone https://github.com/hackcoder1000/Droid-Game-with-Panda3D.git

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Canā€™t call this an update. Rather, just reloading 9.0.0.

No, it is a minor update 9.0.1. Many games dedicate small updates for bug fixes. Also, I made a few changes.

So the fact is that in the update 9.0.0 the game simply did not start.

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I recommend extending the window 1000x600. Itā€™s just that the diggers are crawling out of the window. You may need to return the window frame.

No need. Some small sized pcs then canā€™t get to see the window. Or you can use the screeninfo module for screen sizes.

Could you tell me how to use screeninfo?

No need, I will make the update.

Update 9.1.0. Now we are using the screeninfo module to determine screen size.
To get screeninfo, run: pip install screeninfo

In this case, the menu mŠ°y initially be in full screen mode or make a page with screen resolution settings, which I can dŠ¾ if need be.

Hello everyone! As you know, I was able to fix the engine. But at the moment, the game is mainly developed by @panda3dmastercoder. The thing is, I donā€™t have access to the repository. But maybe Iā€™ll get access to it. Iā€™m certainly not leaving the development team, because heck, I made this game. I am not leaving completely, only for a month. Moreover, summer is coming soon, and its middle is the most necessary time to please you with a huge update. Iā€™ll deal with it right now. I will not tell you what will be added. It will be a kind of surprise for you. Thank you all for reading, bye everyone!

Hello all! We made chat on https://gitter.im/. Here is link to that: DroidGame/DroidGame3D - Gitter
Please join :slight_smile: I am already there, you can chat with me, suggest ideas for the game.

Edit: Wow, chat is very active!

Friends! I release beta versions, I just donā€™t make them public. They will become available in July. We are also planning the first release in Julyā€¦
And in first release please write in terminal(if linux) :
pip3 install pyperclip. If you OS - Windows(7 or 10): pip install pyperclip

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We wait release!

@popiter1 thanks) we developed thisā€¦ Wait 1 month.

Hello everyone! Sorry I didnā€™t make any updates, but this is not the case. I just didnā€™t write about it on the forum. I still decided that it was time for me to have my own game repository and not bother @panda3dmastercoder when I make updates. I have already created a repository at gitlab.com and made several beta versions:

Hello everyone! I have just published a new beta version: 9.2.6 it adds the weakness of the ship when it collides with the planet, it cracks. Here is a link to the beta version: