Draw 3D lines with mouse

Hello, I’m building a 3D structural frame analysis software, it has everything I need to move on:
embedded panda3d in pyqt5, camera control with mouse, libraries to solve the frame. However I’m struggling to draw a simple 3D line with the aid of the mouse.

I want to be able to draw something like this, any ideas?


You could perhaps get away with simply using CardMaker to generate quads, and then placing them as appropriate in code. It can be a little awkward, and you might find some optimisations called for in order to reduce the node-count, which may incur some performance hitches.

Perhaps better might be something like MeshDrawer. It does, however, come with the caveat that it calls for re-generating all of the lines controlled by the relevant MeshDrawer whenever something is changed regarding even one line, I believe.

And finally, you could perhaps procedurally construct the relevant geometry–see this section of the manual for more information on that!

Could you provide any piece of code regarding this issue? I’m stuck with it more than a month…

I think that you may find relevant code on the forum if you search for one of those three approaches.

The latter two in particular have a fair bit of code available, I think–if not necessarily for your specific purpose.

Otherwise, I might be able to put together a simple example–not showing the full process, but just an idea of how the engine-features might be handled–but that would require knowing which of the three approaches you intended to take.

You can use this class to draw lines in 3D .


from panda3d.core import LineSegs, NodePath
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

class MyApp(ShowBase):

    def __init__(self):

        lines = LineSegs()
        lines.move_to(0, 0, 0)
        lines.draw_to(3, 3, 2)
        lines.draw_to(3, 3, 4)

        np = NodePath(lines.create())

app = MyApp()

To determine the position of a click in 3D space, you can use this approach.

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I found this solution, however it doesn’t work when I’m rotating around the y-axis (it is inverted). Anyone knows why?

from panda3d.core import *
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText

# Function to put instructions on the screen.
def addInstructions(pos, msg):
    return OnscreenText(text=msg, style=1, fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), scale=.05,
                        shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), parent=base.a2dTopLeft,
                        pos=(0.08, -pos - 0.04), align=TextNode.ALeft)

class MyApp(ShowBase):
    def __init__(self):
        #disable mouse, we need the left click working
        #set sensible view
        base.cam.set_pos(20, -20, 20)
        #help info
        self.inst1 = addInstructions(0.06, "MOUSE-1: click and hold")
        self.inst2 = addInstructions(0.12, "X, Y, Z: change rotation axis")
        self.inst3 = addInstructions(0.18, "Vector")
        #visual aid

        #a line showing the current rotation axis
        #the axis node, we rotate around this node
        #list of current axis, overkill here, but used for moving
        #when there are 2 movement axis(not in demo


        #bind keys
        self.accept('mouse1', self.on_mouse_down)
        self.accept('mouse1-up', self.on_mouse_up)
        self.accept('x', self.toggle_axis, ['x'])
        self.accept('y', self.toggle_axis, ['y'])
        self.accept('z', self.toggle_axis, ['z'])
        #run task
        taskMgr.add(self.mouse_task, 'mouse_tsk')

    def make_circle(self, segments = 36, thickness=2.0, radius=1.0):
        temp = NodePath('temp')
        for i in range(segments + 1):
            temp.set_h(i * 360.0 / segments)
            p = render.get_relative_point(temp, (0, radius, 0))
        return render.attach_new_node(l.create())

    def on_mouse_down(self):

    def on_mouse_up(self):

    def toggle_axis(self, axis):
        if axis in self.active_axis:
        while len(self.active_axis)>1:

    def update_axis(self):
        '''Creates a plane to capture mouse clicks,
        the pos of self.axis defines the point for the plane,
        the normal of the plane depends on what is
        the current axis in self.active_axis.
        Also draws a line/vector to show the axis.
        if 'x' in self.active_axis:
        elif 'y' in self.active_axis:
        elif 'z' in self.active_axis:
        #remove old line
        if self.line:
        #draw new line
        if self.active_axis:
            self.plane=Plane(vec, point)#also make the plane, kind of important...
            self.line.set_color((abs(vec.x), abs(vec.y), abs(vec.z), 1.0), 1)
            self.circle.set_color(self.line.get_color(), 1) #recolor the circle to make it fit

    def mouse_task(self, task):
        '''Rotates self.model around self.axis based on mouse movement '''
        if self.mouse_is_down and self.active_axis:
            if base.mouseWatcherNode.has_mouse():
                # get the mouse ray-plane intersection
                # kudos to rdb
                mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.get_mouse()
                pos3d = Point3()
                near_point = Point3()
                far_point = Point3()
                base.camLens.extrude(mpos, near_point, far_point)
                if self.plane.intersects_line(pos3d,
                                              render.get_relative_point(base.cam, near_point),
                                              render.get_relative_point(base.cam, far_point)):

                    # make a direction vector
                    vec = self.axis.get_pos() - pos3d
                    # visual aid
                    self.circle.heads_up(pos3d, self.plane.get_normal())

                    # we just need the direction

                    # nothing more to do at this point if we have no stored vector
                    if self.last_vec is None:
                        self.last_vec = vec
                        return task.again

                    self.last_vec = vec
        return task.again

app = MyApp()

Hmm… It looks like it might be some behaviour on the part of “headsUp”–although what precisely is going on I don’t know.

However, in case you don’t find a better solution, I do think that I have a workaround: You can calculate the relevant angle by which to rotate your circle and then apply that manually. Something like this:

In your importations:

import math

In your “mouse_task” code, in place of the call to “headsUp”:

                    # Calculate the angle made by the vector between
                    # the indicated point and the location of the axis
                    angle = math.atan2(vec.x, -vec.z)

                    # Convert that angle to degrees
                    angle = math.degrees(angle)

                    # Now, first set the circle to a baseline
                    # orientation. For the y-axis, this is a 
                    # 90-degree rotation around the x-axis,
                    # and thus a setting of its p(itch)-angle
                    self.circle.setHpr(0, 90, 0)

                    # Finally, apply the calculated angle.
                    # Note that we set it relative to the 
                    # circle itself. Without that, we end
                    # up rotating relative to the parent,
                    # which is not pitched as above,
                    # and so we just end up spinning
                    # the circle around the vertical axis.
                    # This allows us to spin around the
                    # pitched axis of the circle.
                    self.circle.setH(self.circle, angle)

Note that this is a solution for the y-axis only–the handling of the other axes I leave up to you.

Worked like a charm, thanks :smiley:

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Actually it seems to work just fine if you simply replace heads_up with look_at.
But that was just a visualization problem. A more important issue seems to be that the self.last_vec direction is calculated wrongly; it points from the dragged 3D position to the origin, while it should likely be the inverse.

So replace this:

                    # make a direction vector
                    vec = self.axis.get_pos() - pos3d
                    # visual aid
                    self.circle.heads_up(pos3d, self.plane.get_normal())

with this:

                    # make a direction vector
                    vec = pos3d - self.axis.get_pos()
                    # visual aid
                    self.circle.look_at(pos3d, self.plane.get_normal())

Anyway, I hope that code will do what you want.

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This works even better, in any case I’m just interested in the line drew by the mouse.

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