Yet Another Blender Egg Exporter (YABEE)

Internal TBS was broken since r10 or so and noone remembered about it. So i decided, that it’s unnecessary

AttributeError:'MeshUVLoopLayer' has no attribute 'name'.

I keep getting that error. What is wrong with my file?

I haven’t problem with your model. Which version of yabee and Blender is used?

I think it might have to do with apply transformation prior to export. Anyway it is working for me as well.

Dang it broke again.

What is the cause of that error?

I tryed to apply transform before exporting but can’t reproduce the problem. I can assume that problem somewhere in the UV layer.
What exactly you did before exporting?

How do I go about having Yabee produce an egg file with a given set of tags? In particular, I want to apply the “BFace” tag to a model’s polygons. I’ve tried a few things (setting custom properties in either the “Object Data” or “Object” panels in Blender, I believe), but don’t seem to be seeing them output into the resultant egg file.

Try this way:
Select “Blender Game” as render, then Material -> Game Settings -> uncheck “Backface Culling”

Ah, wonderful – that seems to have done the job! Thank you! :slight_smile:

… I’ll confess that I probably wouldn’t have thought of trying that. Is there perhaps any documentation for Yabee that one could look to for such tips?

I still can not find the time to write a manual or something similar ) Sorry. May be at nearest weekend.

Aah, fair enough, and I’m sorry to read that your time is so limited. :confused:

Perhaps it would help to write it a bit at a time, rather than all at once? That way you could at least move towards releasing the documentation, rather than looking for a time in which to do it.

Blender 2.66 is out today. It breaks the script again :frowning:
The animation export window is gone, and static meshes fail.

connect failed: No such file or directory

Note: No (valid) '/home/duo/.config/blender/2.66/config/startup.blend' found, fall back to built-in default.

Read new prefs: /home/duo/.config/blender/2.66/config/userpref.blend
found bundled python: /home/duo/blender/blender-2.66-linux-glibc211-i686/2.66/python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/duo/.config/blender/2.66/scripts/addons/io_scene_egg/", line 360, in draw
  File "/home/duo/.config/blender/2.66/scripts/addons/io_scene_egg/", line 152, in draw
TypeError: UILayout.template_list(): error with argument 1, "listtype_name" -  Function.listtype_name expected a string type, not EGGAnimList

location: <unknown location>:-1

location: <unknown location>:-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/duo/.config/blender/2.66/scripts/addons/io_scene_egg/", line 360, in draw
  File "/home/duo/.config/blender/2.66/scripts/addons/io_scene_egg/", line 152, in draw
TypeError: UILayout.template_list(): error with argument 1, "listtype_name" -  Function.listtype_name expected a string type, not EGGAnimList


TypeError: UILayout.template_list(): error with argument 1, "listtype_name" -  Function.listtype_name expected a string type, not EGGAnimList
location: <unknown location>:-1
obj list [['Cube.001']]
WRITE main EGG to /home/duo/Desktop/untitled.egg

I made small fix - try to update … 84394ee370

Uploaded small HowTo (odt and pdf) into downloads section.
I would be glad if someone with a normal level of English will correct the document.

preusser, you wrote documentation previously, may be you can merge both docs?

First of all, thank you very much for this! I do believe that I spotted a few things in the documentation that I didn’t know about, so it should be useful. :slight_smile:

I’ve made a few edits, although I’d ask that someone else take a look at the new version, in case I’ve missed something or made a mistake in some fashion (especially given that I’m somewhat tired today, I fear).

Ninth, I also found that I was guessing at your intention a few times when editing, so please go over the new version to check that I haven’t misinterpreted anything. ^^;;

A link to the new file.

Thanks ) Sorry - I uploaded incomplete odt with lost “Tags and collisions” part. It’s here:

I wondered about that, I believe. :stuck_out_tongue:

All right, I’ve incorporated and edited the new text; the new version should be available from the same link my previous post above.

Ok, thanks again ) I’ve uploaded edited version: pdf + odt in zip.

Any suggestions on what to look for when textures don’t show up in pview or panda? I am using blender 2.66 and the patch for yabee. The textures are being copied into the export folder.

I will upload ersion: pdf + odt in zip then tell you :smiley: