Yet Another Blender Egg Exporter (YABEE)

Sorry, the problem with the free time :frowning:
Some bugfixes and fixes for Blender 2.62 API.
“Simple” tex. processor is default now.

2 astrogee: Why Github, why not googlecode? However, you free to make your own YABEE fork at the Github )

ninth, sorry this may be misleading i did not check really whether googlecode actually support forking.

But in github, if you have yabee repo, i can fork it, make some changes, and make “pull request”. Yo can accept it, no need to bother with sending diffs and applying them by hand.


i’m tring to import a model with animation from blender3d to panda, i’m exporting to .egg with YABEE and the result is that:

the model should looks like this:

when i try to export from blender without the animation the model looks good

Hi! i have the same problem as kotto :frowning: the model seems to export fine, but when adding some animation, the model deforms in a very strange way. :frowning: :frowning:

These are the files (model and animation):Model&animation

And this is the .blend file where i’m trying to export from: blend

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

I’m using Panda3D 1.8, blender 2.62, Yabee_r11_2_b262 under Ubuntu 11.10, just for the completeness of the info.

Funny santiago-gamer, I’ve exported your model, Panda 1.8, blender 2.62, and Ubuntu 11.04, without issues, it exported no problems.

Also ninth, thank you for the new version, it fixed my previous issue about two materials, and everything now works properly, I dub thee best blender exporter for 2.>4x series! huzzah!

I hope I’ve some how helped in some manner, santiago-gamer, out of curiousity there’s no chance you perhaps still have an older version of Yabee installed or something as the such?


powerpup118 thanks )

santiago-gamer, kotto, it’s strange. If you used an older version of yabee before, then try to delete pycache from the io_scene_egg dir and run export again.

GrizzLyCRO, ok, i’ll think about it.

Good job man. I think copying textures shouldnt be a default behaviour too?

thanks ninth! The new release is great.

The new release solved my problems :slight_smile:

Thanks man.
My default red material problem is gone too.

So, is there anything serious the addon is missing, compared to the “Chicken exporter” for Blender 2.4?
Are normal/specular/glow maps supported? I see it can generate binormals and can bake special maps at least.

Thank you so much for your help!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve downloaded Blender 2.62 again and replace the new one (without modifications) with the one I’ve already got.

Now everything seems to be working (at least exporting animations), so the problem, I think, was with Yabee versions conflict or something like that.

Thank you guys for the help, and ninth, thank you for this awesome exporter!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

EDIT: I also have a question about blend shapes (morhp target once exported): Do we have to procedurally modify the morph targets with controlJoint() like specified in the chicken manual? Does Yabee export the blend shapes like Chicken? <—that sounds so funny :laughing: :laughing:

Fragment of the Chicken Exporter Manual:

redpanda, yes, “copying textures” is a default behaviuor.

preusser, Texture type convertations for the “simple” mode:
Blender option -> Panda envtype
default -> ‘MODULATE’
use_map_normal -> ‘NORMAL’
use_map_emit -> ‘GLOW’
use_map_specular -> ‘GLOSS’

santiago-gamer, yes, YABEE can export shapekeys and shapekey animations. Of course, you can control the shapekey procedurally. However, this features still not fully tested, especially in the latest Blender version.

I don’t quite understand. Do you mean we need to manually change those variables in the script for the maps to export?

BTW, do you think it’s time to document the script?

I mean “Influence” options in the texture tab. You should activate one of them to tell to the YABEE what kind of the texture type is used.

May be something like small howto for the first time?

I made a copy of the YABEE repo on the Github:

Thanks for the response! :smiley: :smiley:

I’ll try this and post here my results. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Oh, you mean the check buttons. Don’t remember these in Blender 2.4.

I’ll try to write something similar to the Chicken docs when I get the time.

So is there any obvious feature the script is missing? This question is for everyone.

EDIT: Hows this?


I found out that if the material has a uv texture changing its alpha property, it does not get exported as an alpha but as an modulation.

So, the same model in blender 2.41 exported by chicken

<Texture> Material_00_TexColor {
  <Scalar> alpha-file { "/home/tocha/Downloads/panda3d-1.8.0/GameTry/Models/Fleur/TextureTest241_Alpha.png" }
  <Scalar> format { RGBA }
  <Scalar> alpha { BLEND_NO_OCCLUDE }
  <Scalar> draw_order { 10000 }
  <Scalar> saved-result { 1 }
  <Scalar> envtype { MODULATE }
  <Scalar> minfilter { LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR }
  <Scalar> magfilter { LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR }
  <Scalar> wrap { REPEAT }

And from blender 2.62 exported by YABEE

<Texture> TexColor {
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
<Texture> TexAlpha {
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }

The rendered results are very different, at least its easy to edit the egg file to reflect the results from chicken. As I do not make many models and also I am learning panda3d, I really don’t know if this is a very important feature, there are even some issues on chicken.

I can’t even export a model with image texture in 2.62.
And when I try to use the image in the “UV/Image editor” option, I get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\blender-2.62-release-windows32\2.62\scripts\addons\io_scene_egg\", line 321, in execute
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\blender-2.62-release-windows32\2.62\scripts\addons\io_scene_egg\yabee_libs\", line 1030, in write_out
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\blender-2.62-release-windows32\2.62\scripts\addons\io_scene_egg\yabee_libs\", line 924, in get_egg_materials_str
    used_textures = st.get_used_textures()
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\blender-2.62-release-windows32\2.62\scripts\addons\io_scene_egg\yabee_libs\", line 39, in get_used_textures
    if f.image.source == 'FILE':
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'source'

location:<unknown location>:-1

Also, how to export a mesh double sided?
YABEE doesn’t seem to be using the “Double Side” checkbutton located in the “Object data” section of the “Properties” window.

CarlosNovaes, so far, the separate alpha texture is not supported by YABEE. May be fixed in future.
You can try to edit an exported model manually, or try to use the ‘bake’ mode.

preusser seems, that you have an emty image in the UV editor, can you show your model?
As for the doublesided - since Blender 2.60a this option has been moved to the “Blender game” render options and called “Backface culling” (Material settings)

The texture is loaded on a material which the vertices are assigned to. I don’t think there’s a reason to load the texture image once more in the UV/Image Editor for it to work. But I did even that. The texture is never referenced in the exported egg file.
Though I don’t get the error when using the “UV as texture”, so I was probably doing something wrong.

My model is not extraordinary: just the default cube textured with a png image I made in gimp. If you want, I can create and send a blend file.

Where is that “Blender game renderer options” located itself?