Why Won't My Model Walk??????????

Hi Guys,

My request here is very simple – why won’t my model walk?? I have included the relevant code below (there is more to it, but doesn’t effect this so I have taken it out). Basically what I am trying to do is when the W button on the keyboard, the animation walk begins. For the time being I want it just to run the spot, to make sure the animation is correct before I start moving it around.
When I press the w button nothing happens, but I get a load of output on the dos screen (which I haven’t included but will do if it is useful).

I got the alien model from the models download section on the panda3d website.

import direct.directbase.DirectStart # Start Panda

from pandac.PandaModules import * # Import the Panda Modules
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject   # for event handling 
from direct.task import Task # To use Tasks 
from direct.actor import Actor # To use animated Actors 
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * # To use Intervals 
import math # To use math (sin, cos..etc) 

import sys

class World(DirectObject):
    def __init__(self): 

	base.disableMouse() # Disable default camera.

	# Setup key controls 


       # end __init__

    def loadModels(self): 
	# load the alien model
	self.Alien = Actor.Actor("Models/alienmodel",{"Walk":"Models/alienmodelwalkanim"}) 

 	# Position the camera 

    # end loadModels 

    def walk(self):       

        AlienWalk = self.Alien.actorInterval("Walk")                      

    # end walk

w= World()


If you need anymore information, then please let me know.

thanks for any help!

Hi Tony, try putting ‘self’ in front of AlienWalk, like so:

def walk(self):       

        self.alienWalk = self.Alien.actorInterval("Walk")                     

    # end walk

I’m still learning this stuff myself, so let me know if it works.


Tony, just for the heck of it, I decided to test your code to see if my solution was correct. It was! Yay for me! :smiley:

But there appears to be something wrong with the alien model itself (I downloaded it too) when I try to run your code using the alien model it doesn’t work and I get lot’s of error messages.

So I tried substituting the alien model with the Ralph model (also downloaded from this site) and it now works just fine. Here’s the code:

import direct.directbase.DirectStart # Start Panda
from pandac.PandaModules import * # Import the Panda Modules
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject   # for event handling
from direct.task import Task # To use Tasks
from direct.actor import Actor # To use animated Actors
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * # To use Intervals
import math # To use math (sin, cos..etc)
import sys

class World(DirectObject):
    def __init__(self):
        base.disableMouse() # Disable default camera.
        # Setup key controls
        # end __init__

    def loadModels(self):
        # load the alien model
        self.Alien = Actor.Actor("Models/ralph",{"Walk":"Models/ralph-walk"})
        # Position the camera
        # end loadModels

    def walk(self):       
        self.alienWalk = self.Alien.actorInterval("Walk")                     

    # end walk

w= World()


Hope this helps.


Cheers mate!!!

like you i’m new to this and trying things as i go along. i thought that there was a problem with the model, as nothing that i done worked! whilst i am no expert, i do pick this kind of thing up quick and couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working!
am going to try ‘ralph’ now and see if it works.

again 1000 thanks - i am forever in your debt!

just tried it and it works!!! thanks again - i’m so happy that there wasn’t a problem with something that i was doing otherwise i would have been really upset!

thanks again