What UI libraries can I use except Direct3D

Hi. I’m using panda3d in my game engine as a school project. I need a modern UI library and DirectGUI can’t answer my needs. Is there any other thing?
If not, would you please tell me is it possible to integrate panda3d with Qt or ultralig.ht???
I forgot to say that I’m using c++ not python.

You may have confused DirectGUI with Direct3D. As for integration, I’ve seen a lot of forum posts talking about this possibility.

Here is an example:

I am also sure that wxWidgets can be integrated, since wxPython works great with Panda.

Thank you for your answer.

  1. Yes you are right. I confused name of DirectGUI with Direct3D.
  2. I took a look at the posts about other gui libraries and found one about Qt. But do you know how to integrate with ultralig.ht? My priority is with ultralig.ht and then with Qt.