What is the root animation called?

If we have an actor called this way:

    self.character = Actor(path[0]+'/models/ball.bam', {
                    'walk': path[0]+'/models/bouncing ball.bam',
                    'jump': path[0]+'/models/jumping ball.bam'

To call walk animation we do:


But how do we get back to the initial state, called ‘models/ball.bam’ in this case?

Hi jfabdo,

You should be able to call stop() on your Actor to stop the looping animation.


Here’s a helpful page from the manual that can provide some more information.


However, that won’t return the actor to the base, pre-animation pose (e.g. a base “T-pose”).

As to returning to that pose, I don’t believe that Actor has a “base animation”; what it rather has is just the state of not having an animation.

Reaching that state once an animation has been played, however, is something that I don’t know how to do, offhand. :/

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@Thaumaturge That’s true, my mistake. Good catch on your part :slight_smile: I misunderstood the post…

I’ve done a bit of digging, and found some code that seems to do the trick.
Rather than calling self.character.stop() use the following code.

    animControls = self.character.getAnimControls()
    for animControl in animControls:

Actor.getAnimControls on the linked page just below the top. (Didn’t have a Permalink for some reason…)

If you stop the animation prior, then passing animName=True to the self.character.getAnimControls() call will return ALL the animation controls so you can clear the effects from all.

Hope this can be of some use to you @jfabdo!
