What happened about my egg file

D:\Pet>pview 111.egg 2222.egg
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
Loading 111.egg
:loader(error): Couldn't load file 111.egg: invalid.
Unable to load 111.egg
Loading 2222.egg
:loader(error): Couldn't load file 2222.egg: invalid.
Unable to load 2222.egg

There is no information about the failing.
some pieces of codes in 111.egg like this:

<CoordinateSystem> { Z-Up }

<Texture> Tex6 {
  <Scalar> format { rgb }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex5 {
  <Scalar> format { alpha }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex4 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex3 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex2 {
  <Scalar> format { rgb }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex1 {
  <Scalar> format { rgb }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Group> character {
  <Dart> { 1 }
  <Group> "åœºæ™¯æ ¹" {
    <Group> girl_dong_pant {
      <VertexPool> girl_dong_pant.verts {
        <Vertex> 0 {
          -0.096156 0.0403704 0.342477
          <UV> m1 { 0.652938 0.75157 }
          <Normal> { -0.156979 0.176907 0.0532895 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.368984 Bip01 pen:0.631016
        <Vertex> 1 {
          -0.0849848 0.0367804 0.374867
          <UV> m1 { 0.66405 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -0.141666 0.184148 0.0692713 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.417367 Bip01 pen:0.582633
        <Vertex> 2 {
          -0.0426859 0.0584004 0.374327
          <UV> m1 { 0.777763 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -0.0489052 0.230395 0.0574897 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.0337654 Bip01 R Thigh:0.425555
          // Bip01 pen:0.540679
        <Vertex> 3 {
          -0.0514047 0.0674643 0.341703
          <UV> m1 { 0.76714 0.755528 }
          <Normal> { -0.0458507 0.238028 0.00432578 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.324009 Bip01 pen:0.675991
        <Vertex> 4 {
          -0.0901005 -0.0925796 0.263523
          <UV> m1 { 0.269373 0.573015 }
          <Normal> { -0.0710164 -0.230659 -0.0230536 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 5 {
          -0.0349521 -0.0915973 0.261578
          <UV> m1 { 0.16636 0.567709 }
          <Normal> { 0.111499 -0.203189 -0.0711391 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 6 {
          -0.0378172 -0.103357 0.317381
          <UV> m1 { 0.147953 0.702687 }
          <Normal> { -0.0110386 -0.233697 -0.0635806 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 7 {
          -0.0883692 -0.0921613 0.306143
          <UV> m1 { 0.267594 0.685822 }
          <Normal> { -0.113195 -0.214317 0.00580799 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 8 {
          -0.137446 -0.0573366 0.268305
          <UV> m1 { 0.396283 0.57531 }
          <Normal> { -0.210575 -0.120059 0.00473355 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 9 {
          -0.131999 -0.0572047 0.303924
          <UV> m1 { 0.410841 0.668163 }
          <Normal> { -0.208123 -0.122648 0.0205158 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 10 {
          -0.053816 0.0388917 0.27802
          <UV> m1 { 0.760789 0.58909 }
          <Normal> { 0.0437596 0.227706 -0.0708067 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.962606 Bip01 pen:0.0373937
        <Vertex> 11 {
          -0.0569683 0.0475298 0.299932
          <UV> m1 { 0.758036 0.656776 }
          <Normal> { 0.0144811 0.201212 -0.134472 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.633666 Bip01 pen:0.366334
        <Vertex> 12 {
          -0.0146573 0.0429401 0.30812
          <UV> m1 { 0.848833 0.679504 }
          <Normal> { 0.113328 0.158139 -0.144662 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.0298694 Bip01 R Thigh:0.376177
          // Bip01 pen:0.593954
        <Vertex> 13 {
          -0.0184174 0.0233666 0.280843
          <UV> m1 { 0.849733 0.594251 }
          <Normal> { 0.195427 0.109447 -0.0927804 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.895056 Bip01 pen:0.104944
        <Vertex> 14 {
          -0.0150076 -0.0770666 0.300171
          <UV> m1 { 0.0750875 0.653288 }
          <Normal> { 0.136711 -0.134388 -0.148421 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.588237 Bip01 pen:0.411763
        <Vertex> 15 {
          -0.00399079 -0.0838037 0.299819
          <UV> m1 { 0.0141002 0.672325 }
          <Normal> { -0.0230224 -0.0635252 -0.232837 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 16 {
          0.00369395 -0.102695 0.312186
          <UV> m1 { 0.0141002 0.711174 }
          <Normal> { -0.0147099 -0.166122 -0.175971 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 17 {
          -0.0141787 -0.0577759 0.26094
          <UV> m1 { 0.0813729 0.552528 }
          <Normal> { 0.214888 -0.0886841 -0.0688243 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 18 {
          -0.000603967 -0.118812 0.367499
          <UV> m1 { 0.0141002 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -0.00140162 -0.240815 -0.0280092 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 19 {
          -0.0417002 -0.107359 0.369138
          <UV> m1 { 0.185226 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -0.0813819 -0.227734 0.0171096 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 20 {
          -0.0412426 -0.105588 0.338774
          <UV> m1 { 0.167521 0.758915 }
          <Normal> { -0.0596645 -0.233532 -0.0261063 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 21 {
          -0.0021173 -0.114084 0.337257
          <UV> m1 { 0.0141002 0.765757 }
          <Normal> { -0.00264096 -0.235139 -0.0590004 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 22 {
          -0.00433239 -0.0363254 0.295893
          <UV> m1 { 0.0119757 0.621816 }
          <Normal> { 0.113003 -0.0113611 -0.214196 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.2103 Bip01 R Thigh:0.602756
          // Bip01 pen:0.186944
        <Vertex> 23 {
          -0.000906638 -0.0380316 0.294897
          <UV> m1 { 0.0119757 0.645169 }
          <Normal> { -0.0290983 -0.00507472 -0.240637 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.401524 Bip01 R Thigh:0.401529
          // Bip01 pen:0.196947
        <Vertex> 24 {
          -0.112563 0.0060338 0.374102
          <UV> m1 { 0.549084 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -0.19784 0.112504 0.0835496 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.355718 Bip01 pen:0.644283
        <Vertex> 25 {
          -0.126027 0.00466458 0.342958
          <UV> m1 { 0.557476 0.74623 }
          <Normal> { -0.219927 0.0766635 0.0673318 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.199781 Bip01 pen:0.800219
        <Vertex> 26 {
          -0.000113705 0.058895 0.370848
          <UV> m1 { 0.873132 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -8.22612e-006 0.242222 -0.0103467 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.257848 Bip01 R Thigh:0.257847
          // Bip01 pen:0.484306
        <Vertex> 27 {
          -0.0111654 0.0612728 0.340599
          <UV> m1 { 0.8343 0.759308 }
          <Normal> { 0.0896291 0.223133 -0.0309362 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.105195 Bip01 R Thigh:0.252112
          // Bip01 pen:0.642693
        <Vertex> 28 {
          -0.0784001 -0.0863674 0.371797
          <UV> m1 { 0.303086 0.836074 }
          <Normal> { -0.140393 -0.174507 0.0928211 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.128004 Bip01 pen:0.871996
        <Vertex> 29 {
          -0.0878879 -0.0930436 0.341772
          <UV> m1 { 0.275593 0.749855 }
          <Normal> { -0.112808 -0.21368 0.0198454 }
          // Bip01 pen:1
        <Vertex> 30 {
          -0.00843412 -0.0292212 0.261375
          <UV> m1 { 0.0119757 0.543712 }
          <Normal> { 0.240135 0.00104274 -0.0333566 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 31 {
          -0.00475038 0.00622934 0.2962
          <UV> m1 { 0.900827 0.637635 }
          <Normal> { 0.0942226 0.0579461 -0.215738 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.226105 Bip01 R Thigh:0.504374
          // Bip01 pen:0.269521
        <Vertex> 32 {
          -0.00176005 0.0323454 0.310513
          <UV> m1 { 0.885644 0.677687 }
          <Normal> { -0.0141877 0.124431 -0.207592 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.235336 Bip01 R Thigh:0.235334
          // Bip01 pen:0.52933
        <Vertex> 33 {
          -0.00111889 0.00554419 0.296473
          <UV> m1 { 0.916253 0.644611 }
          <Normal> { -0.0254503 0.0618196 -0.233043 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.358412 Bip01 R Thigh:0.358412
          // Bip01 pen:0.283176
        <Vertex> 34 {
          -0.000906638 -0.0380316 0.294897
          <UV> m1 { 0.97802 0.645169 }
          <Normal> { -0.0290983 -0.00507472 -0.240637 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.401524 Bip01 R Thigh:0.401529
          // Bip01 pen:0.196947
        <Vertex> 35 {
          -0.00433239 -0.0363254 0.295893
          <UV> m1 { 0.97802 0.621816 }
          <Normal> { 0.113003 -0.0113611 -0.214196 }
          // Bip01 L Thigh:0.2103 Bip01 R Thigh:0.602756
          // Bip01 pen:0.186944
        <Vertex> 36 {
          -0.00843412 -0.0292212 0.261375
          <UV> m1 { 0.97802 0.543712 }
          <Normal> { 0.240135 0.00104274 -0.0333566 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 37 {
          -0.0199455 0.018908 0.262097
          <UV> m1 { 0.851661 0.544427 }
          <Normal> { 0.189394 0.148006 -0.0316667 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:0.999976 Bip01 pen:2.39373e-005
        <Vertex> 38 {
          -0.137111 -0.0519014 0.236411
          <UV> m1 { 0.403367 0.490752 }
          <Normal> { -0.219613 -0.102293 -0.0092126 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1
        <Vertex> 39 {
          -0.0934716 -0.0861457 0.231877
          <UV> m1 { 0.27378 0.489509 }
          <Normal> { -0.0558083 -0.231263 -0.0467053 }
          // Bip01 R Thigh:1

Looks to me like this is the problem:

<Group> "åœºæ™¯æ ¹" { 

Try giving your group a non-unicode name.

Thank you for your so fast reply.
I changed that to “root”, useless.

Did you intentionally leave the closing curly braces in your post ?

the whole file is:

[color=blue]Edit: Removed the text due to the fact that the file was incomplete anyway. Please use a nopaste service (as suggested) or make the file available for download. Thanks.

You might wanna edit that post, phpBB doesn’t like really long posts (i found this out for myself yesterday when I tried to paste a 1600 line python file. Also, as you can probably tell, phpBB doesn’t close the code tag, because the end of the post is truncated…

OMG. please use a nopaste service: http://rafb.net/paste/