Trojan detected

Note: sorry, i’m new here
Ok, so i installed sdk (all was ok) and then i set up vs 2022 project (with only panda 3d linked as in tutorial), but after i builded app my antivirus gave me trojan alarm (on my output exe).
Is it ok?

This is hardly normal, it turns out that you wrote a trojan program. There is no other explanation, or perhaps you have a virus on your computer that is integrated into the compiler.

Or, alternatively, your antivirus has produced a false-positive. (This can happen, for example, due to a program matching a non-individual heuristic used by the antivirus, I believe.)

What was the specific detection, if I may ask?

I’ve heard it can sometimes create false positives due to the game engine capturing/listening to key presses (like a keylogger).

Also, it might be worth asking what antivirus program you’re using.

Unsigned apps on Windows are often flagged as viruses by many types of antivirus software.

This is already recurring problem with games exe produced by pyinstaller with eg pygame games, i’m not surprised at all it will affect Panda3D.

To get rid of false positive you can self sign the exe, but to keep your players trust for distributing the game in eg. a game jam it will cost you a real certificate.

An alternative could be (experimental) to run Panda3D in the internet browser but then shaders must be close to GLES 3.0

Kaspersky Free (antivirus used)
VHO:Trojan.Win64.Convagent.gen (detected)
Antivirus deleted file. (and started “cleanup”)
Exe builded with visual studio 2022 (c++)

It looks like you wrote a “trojan program”.