Transparency Object Depth Sorting

I see, yeah, but don’t want to mess with the transparency bin by changing it’s type though just for one actor, unless maybe if I had a variable that tracked the latest number, then I can organize by what was recently added.

EDIT: back to front, it says by bounding center, but does that mean the origin point? I am think maybe if I tweak the model.

… I really think that it would be easier and more reliable to just not have everything be in the “transparent” bin. If you want something to fade in a cutscene, make it temporarily transparent. (If it wasn’t already something with intended transparency.)

but that not the cause, I disabled all transparency except the actor, it seems something with the model itself, the way “bt_back to front” works should be perfect, that way the scene does not look weird and transparency looks natural.

I will keep testing around, thank you for the advice.

EDIT: wait a minute, reading more, back to front draws the father objects first, that might be the cause, I need to change to BT_front to back to get the reverse!

Edit2: so after doing more research, the sort parameter does nothing if it not the “fixed” bin, so setting to transparency just force throws the first child into the transparency bin, and that works? maybe panda3d ordering of throwing each child of the actor is the issue, in any case it seems that

actor.getChild(0).setBin("transparent", 0)

Is harmless if what I read from the article you gave is going (at least to me), so because your article clarifies such things with this solution I will give your post the solution then, thank you for the huge help.

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Fair enough!

Just one more point, if I may:

And yet it was still flashing red, indicating that it was still seen as–and thus treated as–“transparent”, if I recall correctly.

Just that said actor, yup, that is true, why? what does the red flashing mean anyway? does it mean that it is treated as transparent (function normally) or is it alluding to a more deeper problem?

Exactly: It’s indicating that Panda considers the object to have transparency, I do believe. It’s the result of calling “show-transparency 1”.

The exact colours have different meanings, but I forget what they are offhand–I think that you should be able to find a reference for them either in the manual or on the forum somewhere.

hmm, okay, everything seems to be fine on my end then, thanks

Okay, fair enough! :slight_smile: