The same gltf file is displayed differently in windows 3D viewer and panda3d

The same gltf file is displayed differently in windows 3D viewer and panda3d, and the color is missing in panda3d and becomes white. Why? Please help me, thank you

How are you viewing it in Panda3D? Are you using panda3d-simplepbr or not? Do you have a light applied? You need to assign a light source in order to be able to see materials in Panda3D.

I find out the reason, I has metallicity set to 1.0 and no diffuse texture, that means your object is highly reflective and has no diffuse component (apart from the white color).

thanks for you reply, I use panda3d-simplepbr. I has metallicity set to 1.0 and no diffuse texture, so it looks white. thank you.