Hi, I recently began my attempts in Panda3D, and ran into the problem with panda3d-gltf plugin. I tried view my .gltf file with viewer, that is included in panda3d-gltf files, and it was showing me the same error: :shader(error): Could not find shader file: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Lib\site-packages\gltf\simplepbr.vert
But simplepbr.vert is in gltf folder! What’s wrong?
New problem: now it can’t find post.vert, only because viewer is trying to find “lib” folder in “Python37-32” folder, but the folder is actually called “Lib” (cases difference).
Can you please see if upgrading panda3d-simplepbr (a dependency of panda3d-gltf) to 0.2.3 (pip install -U panda3d-simplepbr should do it) fixes the issue for you?
It could be a problem with the default camera position. It is better suited for the glTF sample files than it is for models coming out of Blender. I have some updates to the camera planned soon to help address this.