taskmgr speed

While scripting in python, I noticed that the task manager takes a huge hit on frame rate. I currently have a very simple script with only one task loop, and when I comment that task out, Panda is pumping out over 900fps. But when I start the task, even with nothing in it, it shoots down to about 86~88fps. Why is it that tasks use up so much speed? :confused:

It means your task is consuming 10 ms. That does seem a lot, but you can’t blame the task manager itself, because even before you start any of your tasks, the task manager is handling about 10 default tasks, including the task to actually render frames.

If it can handle 10 tasks in 900fps (about 1 ms), but you add 1 task and it drops to 90fps (about 11 ms), somewhere in that 1 task you just added 10 ms.

So, what is your task function doing, even with “nothing in it”, to consume 10 ms?

Note that you can prove your task timings by putting:

task-timer-verbose 1

in your Config.prc file, and then printing taskMgr, which lists all of the tasks and how much time they’re tasking.


I’m not sure if I added the taskMgr print to the right spot… Here is the code:

import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.task import Task
import math

import DataLoader

class Player():

    def __init__(self):
        self.player = DataLoader.DataLoader().loadPlayer('Objects/teapot.egg.pz')

        ''' Set up camera behind player '''

        ''' Set up collision ray to snap to ground '''
        self.myTraverser = CollisionTraverser('selectable')
        self.myHandler = CollisionHandlerQueue()
        pPos = self.player.getPos()
        pickerNP = self.player.attachNewNode(pickerNode)
        self.pickerRay=CollisionRay(pPos[0], pPos[1], pPos[2], 0, 0, -1)
        self.myTraverser.addCollider(pickerNP, self.myHandler)

        self.linV  = 0.0
        self.maxV  = 0.2
        self.accel = 1.01
        self.groundZ = self.player.getZ()
        self.groundNor = 0.0,0.0,0.0

        #taskMgr.add(self.updatePlayer, "updatePlayer") #Drops framerate 950->88
        print taskMgr
    def updatePlayer(self,task):
        rayPos = self.player.getPos(self.player)
        rayPos = rayPos[0]+0.1,rayPos[1]+0.1,rayPos[2]+0.1
        if self.myHandler.getNumEntries() > 0:
            if not pickedObj.isEmpty():
                self.groundZ = self.myHandler.getEntry(0).getSurfacePoint(self.player)[2]
                self.groundNor = self.myHandler.getEntry(0).getSurfaceNormal(self.player)
        key   = self.keyState()

        if key[0] != 0:
            if self.linV < self.maxV:
                self.linV += key[0] * globalClock.getDt() * self.accel
            if self.linV < 0.02:
                self.linV = 0
            self.linV = self.linV * (globalClock.getDt() * self.accel) #I think I need accel to approach 0..

        angV = 60*key[1]*globalClock.getDt()


        return task.cont

    def keyState(self):
        keyUp    = base.mouseWatcherNode.isButtonDown(KeyboardButton.up())
        keyDown  = base.mouseWatcherNode.isButtonDown(KeyboardButton.down())
        keyLeft  = base.mouseWatcherNode.isButtonDown(KeyboardButton.left())
        keyRight = base.mouseWatcherNode.isButtonDown(KeyboardButton.right())
        keyAction= base.mouseWatcherNode.isButtonDown(KeyboardButton.space())
        forward  = keyUp + -keyDown
        turn     = keyLeft + -keyRight
        return forward,turn,keyAction

Task enabled with all commands commented out: (playerUpdate)

The taskMgr is handling:
taskList                            dt(ms)       avg       max  priority
  (P)eventManager                     0.00
  (P)updatePlayer                     0.00
  (P)shadowCollisionLoop             44.00
  (P)resetPrevTransform             -51.00
  (P)dataLoop                       -50.00
  (P)igLoop                          50.00
  (P)ivalLoop                        20.00
  (P)doLaterProcessor               -10.00
  (P)audioLoop                       60.00
  (P)collisionLoop                   30.00
total                                 0.00      0.00
doLaterList                     waitTime(s)
End of taskMgr info

TaskMgr.add commented out:

The taskMgr is handling:
taskList                            dt(ms)       avg       max  priority
  (P)eventManager                     0.00
  (P)shadowCollisionLoop             44.00
  (P)resetPrevTransform             -51.00
  (P)dataLoop                       -50.00
  (P)igLoop                          50.00
  (P)ivalLoop                        20.00
  (P)doLaterProcessor               -10.00
  (P)audioLoop                       60.00
  (P)collisionLoop                   30.00
total                                 0.00      0.00
doLaterList                     waitTime(s)
End of taskMgr info

Well, you do have to let some frames go by before you get any meaningful statistics out of printing taskMgr, of course. Ideally, you’re running the Python script interactively, so you just break into the script after a few seconds and print the taskMgr by hand. If your editor won’t let you break into the script, then you can do it with a doMethodLater or something.

But I don’t see any frame rate drop when I try your code.


On the other hand, I could easily believe your task–without the commenting-out quotes–would consume 10ms. You’re doing a lot of work in that task function, including calling the collision traverser.

Are you sure you were running the quoted-out version of this code when you saw the frame rate drop, and that you weren’t still accidentally running the whole task function?


I was probably doing something stupid like running the script without saving changes, because it’s working now… :blush:
It looks like all I need to do is find a less expensive way to project an object onto the surface of another.

I appreciate your help as always, drwr! :smiley: