Something has changed

Recently, the order I followed earlier when building Panda3D stopped working.

  1. I cloned the repository.
  2. Downloaded a third party dependency.
  3. Executed the command.
call makepanda\makepanda --nothing  --threads=4 --optimize=4 --use-gl --windows-sdk=10 --msvc-version=14.2

However, at some point the assembly began to stop with such a message.

D:\panda3d-master>call makepanda\makepanda --nothing  --threads=4 --optimize=4 --use-gl --windows-sdk=10 --msvc-version=14.2
Version: 1.11.0
Platform: win-amd64
Using Windows SDK 10.0.18362.0
Using Visual Studio 2019
Using MSVC 14.2
Target OS: windows
Target arch: x64
Storing dependency cache.
Elapsed Time: 0 sec
Cannot find xcopy on search path
Build terminated.

Iā€™m trying to figure out if the panda build script has changed or if some pointless update from Microsoft has broken something.

It looks like there are difficulties here.

xcopy /I/Y/E/Q "thirdparty\win-python3.7-x64" "built_x64\python"

The first thing that comes to mind is a problem with access rights.


It was on my OS, I just did a system restore. This fixed the problem.

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