Recently, the order I followed earlier when building Panda3D stopped working.
- I cloned the repository.
- Downloaded a third party dependency.
- Executed the command.
call makepanda\makepanda --nothing --threads=4 --optimize=4 --use-gl --windows-sdk=10 --msvc-version=14.2
However, at some point the assembly began to stop with such a message.
D:\panda3d-master>call makepanda\makepanda --nothing --threads=4 --optimize=4 --use-gl --windows-sdk=10 --msvc-version=14.2
Version: 1.11.0
Platform: win-amd64
Using Windows SDK 10.0.18362.0
Using Visual Studio 2019
Using MSVC 14.2
Target OS: windows
Target arch: x64
Storing dependency cache.
Elapsed Time: 0 sec
Cannot find xcopy on search path
Build terminated.
Iām trying to figure out if the panda build script has changed or if some pointless update from Microsoft has broken something.