Side by Side Configuration

I’m getting this error when I try to install panda on windows Vista: line 73 in Dtool_PreloadDLL importerror: DLL load failed: its side by side configuration is incorrect

Why am I getting this and how to fix it. The computer this is being installed on does not have access to internet. So I have to carry all needed files via memory stick.

Thanks JB

Maybe it’s this problem:


Thanks David I will try installing Net tommorrow, but why is the .net environment required for Panda on windows? Shouldn’t there be a better method?


Yes, this was an unintentional consequence of the way 1.6.2 was built. It will be corrected in a future release.


I went and downloaded the microsoft .net put it on a memory stick and went to the windows computer with no internet.

I installed the .net and reinstalled the panda3d I still get the exact same message. (see first post)

It is a pain to work on a computer with no internet- but any other ideas on what it coud be?


You could try using the buildbot release, instead of 1.6.2. The latest build reportedly solves this problem.
