Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion

Hi guys,

I’m working on an interesting feature for real-time ambient occlusion. The algorithm was first used by Crysis in 2007. It adds pretty much realism to scenes. I still recommend pre-baking Ambient Occlusion, but for scenes that are altered pretty much this can do a great job.

I’m adding it into the CommonFilters class so it can be turned on in just one function call.

Here’s a screenshot so far:
(don’t notice the bad quality, thats what you get with an 8-bits z-buffer.)
As you can see I still need to eliminate the edges.

It looks good :smiley:

I also have my implementation. Together with pro we will come up with some good SSAO for you hopefully in 1.6.0

Here’s an update. I have the algorithm working well now:
left scene is without ssao, middle is with, the right is the AO component only.
I agree this is not the best model to show it with, but I didn’t have any other.

As you can see, the floor is kinda grey in the AO component - caused by rounding errors. I think the only way I can remove it is by adding a depth threshold, which will be configurable of course.

Looks great! you rock! also the gray floor is the same effect i get when using mentl ray, so you nailed it on the spot :slight_smile:

I’ve retried the SSAO, from scratch, this time with a lot more luck. I now have a usable SSAO effect.
Here’s a screen of the AO-component in the disco-lights sample (the worst-case scenario):
I’ll soon post a better screenshot, and polish it off and check it into CVS. Most likely it will make it into 1.7.0.

Neat, that’s pretty cool!

Yeah that looks great, very useful indeed.

SSAO in action (click to enlarge).

…original…with ssao…ao component…

As you can see, normal maps are included in the AO calculation as well.
(Don’t mind the low FPS, my fps always drops while making a screenshot.)


But can you do something with that blurry feel?

Tricky. I actually need the blur passes to eliminate the grain caused by the randomly rotating kernel.
But since SSAO will most likely be applied in a textured scene, this ‘blurry feel’ won’t be noticed.

Without blur, it looks like this:

I’ve heard that you can enchance the quality if you put contrast in the SSAO/depth buffer higher, is it right?(Have you tried it?)

I have found a kinda interesting blurring style. I did not read about it a lot but some people on said that for SSAO it’s the best(as I understood because it "respects’ edges, but how?), links: … ering.html … ation.html

What do you say?

Just two questions:

Do you plan to add it to CommonFilters? If yes, do you render the specular highlights to another buffer, so they aren’t affected by AO?

You write that the normal maps are included in the calculation (not only the height map, used for parallax mapping), therefore I conclude that you render all normals to a buffer. I only ask, because I hacked together an SSAO algorithm some time ago, without using normals, but I might well be possible that my approach is inferior.

Yes, I already implemented it into CommonFilters from the beginning. No, I didn’t render the specular highlight into a render target since I didn’t really see a need for it.

Height maps aren’t taken in respect for the calculation - only the depth texture and screen-space normal (which is put into a render target by the Shader Generator, which gets this info through AuxBitplaneAttrib)

I can leave away the normal calculation, but that makes it less accurate.
Crysis’ implementation used just depth indeed - but CryTek fixed that for CryEngine 3.

Did your implementation manage to resolve kernel artifacts?

Don’t you think I may look a bit ugly if specular highlights are occluded by AO? (Never tried it, because I never had the idea to just apply it).

About the kernel artifacts. I played around with bilateral filtering algorithms. Because the should preserve edges (often the result was not so convincing because of high frequency noise), the AO should not bleed to much. I ended with a blur that cares about depth (based on a threshhold the weight is zeroed). In fact my whole kernel was only in 2D (I haven’t created a 3D kernel at all). Then I’ve done it in smaller resolutions (only 1/4 of the screen) and let the GPU upscale it. For my problem I solved it with a much simpler solution, but it is not generic. I’ve added a film grain like effect (which is noisy by definition), not because of SSAO, because somehow the result was looking better without it (I’ve stolen this idea from mass effect, although I don’t now how they implement it, it is surpisingly how you could improve image quality (IMO) with such a simple idea).

If you look close at the edges you can see that they are sharper than the rest.

Difference between simple blur and blur with respect to the depth.

Inner loop looks like:

if(abs(blurDepth - currentDepth) > threshold) {
	color += currentColor * filter[x];
} else {
	color += tex2D(AmbientOcclusionSampler, st) * filter[x];

Hey, that’s pretty neat. No bleeding at all.

Looks like your implementation looks pretty sweet too. Mind sharing it, including the blur shader?
I’d love to kick the normal calculation out of my shader (or at least make it optional) because this requires the shader generator and having it write to an extra render target, which costs a lot of performance, compared to having SSAO with just depth.

Yeah more shader tech is awesome!

I’m currently considering using normals aswell (thanks for the hint). One big advantage is that you only have to sample a hemisphere and not a full sphere. In fact in my implementation 50% of all samples were wrong. Therefore I’m not sure if your implementation is faster with/without a normal buffer, because more samples means more cache misses (according to some NVIDIA papers the random sampling is a torture for the GPUs internal cache, reducing width and height by factor of 2 may raise the speed more than factor of 4 (2*2)).

The most advanced implementation is maybe available at … mples.html. But I have to admit that I don’t understand it fully.

There is nothing special about the blur shader (and I bet that most other implementations are more sophisticated than this one). Both shaders only differ in the line “float2 st = …”. Either RESPECT_DETPH or RESPECT_NORMAL should be enabled. RESPECT_NORMAL is IMO inferior in this implementation.

const float FILTER[] = { 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05 };


struct BlurVertexIn {
	float4 position : POSITION;
	float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

struct BlurVertexOutFragmentIn {
	float4 position : POSITION;
	float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

struct BlurFragmentOut {
	float4 color : COLOR;

void BlurVertexProgram(in BlurVertexIn i, out BlurVertexOutFragmentIn o) {
	o.position = i.position;
	o.texcoord = i.texcoord;

void BlurSSAOHorizontalFragmentProgram(in BlurVertexOutFragmentIn i, out BlurFragmentOut o, uniform sampler2D samplerColor, uniform sampler2D samplerNormalDepth) {
  const float2 scale = float2(1.0 / ViewPortPixelSize.x, 1.0 / ViewPortPixelSize.y);

  float currentColor = tex2D(samplerColor, i.texcoord).r;
  float3 currentNormal = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, i.texcoord).xyz;
  float currentDepth = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, i.texcoord).w;

  float color = 0;
  for(int n = 0; n < 7; n++) {
    float2 st = i.texcoord + float2(scale.x * (n - 3), 0.0);
    float sampleColor = tex2D(samplerColor, st).r;
    float3 sampleNormal = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, st).xyz;
    if(dot(sampleNormal, currentNormal) < SSAOBlurThreshold) {
      color += currentColor * FILTER[n];
    } else {
      color += sampleColor * FILTER[n];
    float sampleDepth = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, st).w;
    if(abs(sampleDepth - currentDepth) > SSAOBlurThreshold) {
      color += currentColor * FILTER[n];
    } else {
      color += sampleColor * FILTER[n];

  o.color = color;

void BlurSSAOVerticalFragmentProgram(in BlurVertexOutFragmentIn i, out BlurFragmentOut o, uniform sampler2D samplerColor, uniform sampler2D samplerNormalDepth) {
  const float2 scale = float2(1.0 / ViewPortPixelSize.x, 1.0 / ViewPortPixelSize.y);

  float currentColor = tex2D(samplerColor, i.texcoord).r;
  float3 currentNormal = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, i.texcoord).xyz;
  float currentDepth = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, i.texcoord).w;

  float color = 0;
  for(int n = 0; n < 7; n++) {
    float2 st = i.texcoord + float2(0.0, scale.y * (n - 3));
    float sampleColor = tex2D(samplerColor, st).r;
    float3 sampleNormal = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, st).xyz;
    if(dot(sampleNormal, currentNormal) < SSAOBlurThreshold) {
      color += currentColor * FILTER[n];
    } else {
      color += sampleColor * FILTER[n];
    float sampleDepth = tex2D(samplerNormalDepth, st).w;
    if(abs(sampleDepth - currentDepth) > SSAOBlurThreshold) {
      color += currentColor * FILTER[n];
    } else {
      color += sampleColor * FILTER[n];

  o.color = color;

Playing around with shaders, I normally do in FX Composer (IMO it is somehwat faster to test ideas than with Panda3D). I can’t be copied directly into the FilterManager. I’ll clean up the whole testsuite in the next days and upload everything somewhere. One more note: The screen space normal (xyz) and depth (w) are stored in one floating point buffer. The normals are already normalized. If the offscreen buffers contain bytes, a “tex2D(…) * 2.0 - 1.0” is perhaps needed.

More details (with a link to the source): … 3&start=30.

After a bit of tweaking in my blurring shader and lowering the radius of the ambient occlusion I’ve found that my implementation works quite well now. Tested it on various sample programs including Roaming Ralph.

I’ve just checked it in to CVS, will be in 1.7.0.