Problems automating x2egg

If you want to convert only one file:

import subprocess
spam = subprocess.check_output(['x2egg', 'box.x', 'box.egg'])
print spam

Also check this out: [url]Models converter].

Following code will find all models in /models directory, it gona add them to list and then pass to x2egg.exe

import subprocess
import os

directory = 'models'

x_models_list = []

def x2egg():

    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
        if filename.endswith('.x'):

    for model_name in x_models_list:
            print 'Working on: ' + model_name
            converted_model = os.path.splitext(model_name)[0]
            infile = directory + '\\' + model_name
            outfile = directory + '\\' + converted_model + '.egg'

            return_code = subprocess.check_output(['x2egg', infile, outfile])
            print return_code
            print 'error'


example.7z (33.7 KB)