PointerTo.I not being read correctly; Error C2664 'PointerToBase<T>::PointerToBase(CollisionNode *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'Y *' to 'CollisionNode *'

I know this is somewhat hot off the heels of my last question, but after fixing some other problems to Build a .pyd file after using interrogate, I have (presumably) just one more error before I can successfully Build a DLL, rename it to a pyd, etc.

When I try to build, I get the error message:

Error	C2664	'PointerToBase<T>::PointerToBase(CollisionNode *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'Y *' to 'CollisionNode *'	p3fst-ent	C:\Panda3D\include\pointerTo.I	50	

When I examine the relevant line in PointerTo.I, or more specifically line 49-52 It reads:

PointerTo(Y *ptr) noexcept :

So I’m assuming that for some reason Visual Studio is reading “Y *” instead of “Y *ptr”. I’m honestly stumped as to what may be causing this. Also, if it helps here’s my Build Output:

Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: p3fst-ent, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>C:\Panda3D\include\pointerTo.I(50,19): error C2664: 'PointerToBase<T>::PointerToBase(CollisionNode *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'Y *' to 'CollisionNode *'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            T=CollisionNode
1>        ]
1>        and
1>        [
1>            Y=const char
1>        ]
1>C:\Panda3D\include\pointerTo.I(50,20): message : Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or parenthesized function-style cast
1>C:\Panda3D\include\pointerToBase.h(35,3): message : see declaration of 'PointerToBase<T>::PointerToBase'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            T=CollisionNode
1>        ]
1>C:\Users\trici\Documents\GitHub\Panda3D1st\gamecode\acrossGame\cpp\p3fst-ent\playerEntBase.h(47): message : see reference to function template instantiation 'PointerTo<CollisionNode>::PointerTo<const char>(Y *) noexcept' being compiled
1>        with
1>        [
1>            Y=const char
1>        ]
1>C:\Users\trici\Documents\GitHub\Panda3D1st\gamecode\acrossGame\cpp\p3fst-ent\playerEntBase.h(47): message : see reference to function template instantiation 'PointerTo<CollisionNode>::PointerTo<const char>(Y *) noexcept' being compiled
1>        with
1>        [
1>            Y=const char
1>        ]
1>Done building project "p3fst-ent.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Does anyone know what might be causing this?

They say only a bad workman blames their tools, but I tried updating visual studio. This changed the error to “PointerToBase::PointerToBase’: none of the 4 overloads could convert all the argument types p3fst-ent C:\Panda3D\include\pointerTo.I”

Despite the new language, I still feel like chances are the error is probably due to something I’m doing wrong. Anyway, back to the drawing board.

Why don’t you show your code? Perhaps the answer lies there, and not in the panda sources.

here’s all of my custom code.

#pragma once


#define PUBLISHED __published
#define PUBLISHED public

#include "actorNode.h"
//#include "pandabase.h"

#include "collisionBox.h"
#include "collisionSphere.h"
#include "collisionSegment.h"
#include "collisionNode.h"

class playerEntBase : public ActorNode{
	bool is_standing = false;


	//Give the ActorNode base a name
	ActorNode("default Playertype");
	//Set up the main bounding box
	PT(CollisionNode) boxNode = new CollisionNode("collBumpHolder");
	PT(CollisionBox) hitbox = new CollisionBox(LPoint3(0, 0, 0),PN_stdfloat(6),PN_stdfloat(6),PN_stdfloat(9.75));
	boxNode->set_from_collide_mask(BitMask32(0x3)); //red masks are used as the default, team based games shouldnt use this constructor
	delete hitbox;

	//Set up the four spheres used for detecting raised surfaces the character can climb up

	PT(CollisionNode) sphereNode("collRampHolder");
	for (int i = 0, sphereX = 6, sphereY = 6;i < 4; i++) {

		//this could probably be better
		PT(CollisionSphere) tempSphereVar = new CollisionSphere(sphereX, sphereY, -7.75, 2);
		tempSphereVar->set_tangible(false); //see above
		delete tempSphereVar;

		if (i == 1) {
			sphereY = -6;
			sphereX = 6;
		else {
			sphereX = -6;

	//create the collision Segment, for checking whether or not a character can be considered "standing"
	PT(CollisionNode) segmentNode("collStandHolder");

	PT(CollisionSegment) tempSeg = new CollisionSegment(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, -9.80);
	delete tempSeg;



You have an error pointing to the header where the constant Y. Is declared. I don’t see it here.

I’m not a C++ expert, but you requested dynamic memory, then deleted the link to it. I’m not sure if the add_solid method copies the data. Maybe he’s just passing a link. I think it makes sense to try not to use delete

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been busy with work. That being said, I looked into it in my spare time and all add_solid does is add the parameter to a pvector of type cowpt and mark the node for having it’s internal bounds recomputed.
From what I can find on pvector, it’s “just a version of stl vectors specialized for p3d”. I think this article says that vectors do in fact copy data. I was also worried for a bit that using add_solid might not update the reference count, but it seems that I don’t need to worry about that either.

Anyway, i’ll go back to finding where constant Y is declared.

This is probably the problem. You are trying to assign a char * to a PT(CollisionNode), which is an invalid pointer conversion. You probably forgot the = new CollisionNode("collRampHolder").

How Embarrassing! :sweat_smile:
Anyway, that along with solving a few other errors did it. I now have compiled successfully, and am about to test this out to ensure everything went alright.