Any chance we might see some kind of project (or official thing) to bring Panda3d’s engine abilities to WebGL?
Panda3D already has a web plugin, so probably not.
Yeah, I’m aware of the plugin, but there are numerous reasons why the ability to natively render to any standards-compliant browser might be useful.
AFAIK, webGL is Javascript only, meaning that all of panda would have to be re-written in javascript, since you will obviously never be able to use compiled code inside of browsers.
Since, typically, video games need more security (from a source code point of view) than non-compiled javascript, and also since webGL is still very mildly supported in even modern web browsers…
I highly doubt this will ever happen.
This is obviously just my opinion, I think you may have better luck using something like jMonkey if you are a ‘must be a standard’ kind of guy.
Most modern video games require you to download and install a plugin, or the entire game itself.
I just sincerely doubt that webGL will ever be a feasible option to replace a genuine C++ game engine, especially considering said game engine already has a web plugin.
Exactly. It is impossible to connect Panda to a Javascript-based environment like HTML5, so the short answer is “no”, this will never happen, sorry.
Google has a project called nativeclient, which is possible to integrate Panda with, and which has the potential to be cross-browser and plugin-free. So this might be a future possibility, but at the moment no one is working on this.
It’s possible, if you use the Panda3D web plugin and use it to communicate with the WebGL interface through the JavaScript wrappers. But that would completely defeat the purpose. People tend to think of WebGL as some kind of brand new technology, while WebGL is nothing more but a JavaScript API similar to OpenGL ES. Porting Panda3D to WebGL in a way that makes sense would mean rewriting every bit of Panda3D to JavaScript.
And now, four years later, we have to eat our words, because we now have C++ to JavaScript compilers and browsers that can run a subset of JavaScript at a reasonable fraction of native speeds.
So, for anyone stumbling across this thread, we now have (the beginnings of) a WebGL port: