I am trying to get panda3d to work. I have installed it without errors, but if I try to run any samples it says
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “main.py”, line 16, in
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
File “C:\Panda3D-1.10.9-x64\direct\showbase\ShowBase.py”, line 40, in
from panda3d.core import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
If I try to type import p, it will reconize panda3d as library (in pycharm). But if I try to add .c .core wont show up.
I also tried to change the core.pyd to core.dll in the map Panda3D-1.10.9-x64\panda3d but that also wouldn’t solve the problem.
Is there anybody who is able to guide me through?
I think you should check whether the examples run from the command line.
if I try to use the command prompt to run the samples, than it would show the importerror described in the previous post
I thought you were running from PyCharm. This is really weird. You need to provide more data, describe your actions in detail.
I tried to run the sample asteroids from my comand prompt by changing to the correct directory and running python main.py.
That action would end up giving me the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “main.py”, line 16, in
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
File “C:\Panda3D-1.10.9-x64\direct\showbase\ShowBase.py”, line 40, in
from panda3d.core import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I tried to debug it by opening pycharm and checking if it would reconize the directories used by the imports. Only to see after i typed import panda3d. it would show ‘core’ as an option. It didn’t seem to reconize core as an import option
Apparently, this has nothing to do with the examples.
This won’t work either.
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
class MyApp(ShowBase):
def __init__(self):
app = MyApp()
Which is quite interesting. What OS are you on and how did you install panda?
I am running Windows 10 and I used the link from the official panda3d site:
I am also on Windows 10, however I am using 1.10.8 and I have never had a problem with the SDK.
What does your console look like? I mean the full text for the launch.
This was the whole cmd
But I somehow got it to work. I don’t know for sure, but after reïnstalling both pycharm and panda3d (1.10.9) it didnt connect the two and I got a message (I did not read the message) but when I clicked on the message it worked.
It found out what message it was, it was a message an interperter was missing, and it would autocomplete/autorepair what was wrong. after that everything would run
Perhaps your problem is in another copy of Python. The panda needs to be launched with the python that comes with it.
The most reliable way to do this.
D:\Panda3D-1.10.8-x64\python\python.exe D:\Panda3D-1.10.8-x64\samples\asteroids\main.py
If you want to work in PyCharm, you must install Panda for the copy of python that is used by PyCharm. This can be done using the pip command. Or tell PyCharm which copy of python to use, I don’t use it, I can’t say exactly how to do it.
Yes, I think I ended up using the last method.
Thank you for the help