Panda3D Error [Must Needed Help]

I’ve just built my game on linux but I’m getting an issue:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “toontown.toonbase.ClientStartDist”, line 40, in
File “toontown.toonbase.ClientStart”, line 10, in
File “direct.extensions_native.HTTPChannel_extensions”, line 27, in
NameError: name ‘Dtool_funcToMethod’ is not defined

Please help!!

We’re using Panda3D 1.9.0!

It looks like your module is directly importing from dtool.extensions_native, which is illegal and should not be done.

hmm, how can I change it?

This is where I’m getting the error in from:

Temporary hack patch:

builtin.dict.update(import(‘pandac.PandaModules’, fromlist=[’*’]).dict)
from direct.extensions_native import HTTPChannel_extensions
from direct.extensions_native import Mat3_extensions
from direct.extensions_native import VBase3_extensions
from direct.extensions_native import VBase4_extensions
from direct.extensions_native import NodePath_extensions