"panda3d.core is not a package"?

I’m trying to set up a simple player character on top of a terrain object. I tried to reparent the camera to the player Actor in order to get the camera to follow it:

def LoadPlayer(self):

	player = DW_Dplayer.DragonPlayer()

and got this error:

NodePath.reparent_to() argument 1 must be panda3d.core.NodePath, not DragonPlayer

Which means I need my class to inherit from the NodePath class:

import panda3d

from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
from panda3d.core.NodePath import NodePath

class DragonPlayer(NodePath):

    def __init__(self):

	    self.actor = Actor('low_poly_dragon.egg',{


which leads to this:

No module named ‘panda3d.core.PandaNode’; ‘panda3d.core’ is not a package

I need a guiding hand because I obviously have no idea what I’m doing XP

The correct code is:

from panda3d.core import NodePath

Thank you! That leaves me with my original problem however, how do I inherit from nodepath for a class:

import panda3d

from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
from panda3d.core import NodePath

class DragonPlayer(NodePath):

    def __init__(self):

	    self.actor = Actor('low_poly_dragon.egg',{


so I don’t get this:

NodePath.reparent_to() argument 1 must be panda3d.core.NodePath, not DragonPlayer

I would advise against inheriting from NodePath. NodePath is a C++ class, which has some oddities when subclassing in Python. Since your class already has an Actor, I would reccomend you reparent the camera to that actor:


This manual page goes into more detail: https://www.panda3d.org/manual/index.php/Subclassing

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For what it’s worth, the step you were missing was to upcall to the base class in the constructor:

    def __init__(self):
        NodePath.__init__(self, "name of node")

But, this is a bad idea, as Moguri points out. It’s better to use composition instead of inheritance.

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Thank you! That is very good to know.