I was wondering if panda3d can display vector graphics. If not, is there a library (and/or program) that’ll help me do so?
Not sure what you mean by vector graphics. You can certainly draw lines.
drwr, I think omegalpha means SVG images. Would be indeed nice. Does Panda3D support it?
Yes, that’s excactly what I meant.
Ah. No, nothing built into Panda to support that. We just haven’t run into a need for it yet.
Since SVG is encoded in XML, you could probably write a Python program to decode the file and create the necessary Panda structures without too terribly much trouble.
You might also look for a third-party library that does this already. For instance, there is sauvage, which is written in Python; but that may be too much library since it appears to want to handle all of the OpenGL stuff too.
you could cairosvg to convert the svg into a png at the size you want it … and since it may depixelize if you change the size of the window … you could keep rechanging the size and rerendering … but preferrably in separate subprocess so that the image would look clean … hardware acceleration would be the oprimal solution but you should figure out a way to sanitize the data and then send it in a gpu kernel for paralell computing then into another kernel for render