Panda 1.6.2 crashing with bad threads.

Panda 1.6.2 running on 64 bit Kubuntu Hardy seg faults at start up.
pro and I traced it down to a threading problem. Here is our chat.

[16:54:12] <Douglas_E> pro-rsoft: 0 threads made it work.
[16:54:24] Douglas_E, cool.
[16:54:36] Douglas_E, since we’ve isolated the problem to be threading-related, you should really talk to David about the problem
[16:54:56] david is the weird-problems-with-threading specialist.
[16:55:16] <Douglas_E> anything else I can do?
[16:55:50] Douglas_E, well, you could see if the traceback has more info with libc6-dbg installed
[16:55:58] otherwise ask at forums / david
[16:56:14] <Douglas_E> I installed it.

[19:48:21] <Douglas_E> pro-rsoft: seg fault with threading and the dbg for that c lib installed but I see nothing new.

Looks messy all right. What evidence leads you to believe a threading problem?

For more debugging, I’d try first disabling audio to prove it’s not related to the audio subsystem:

audio-library-name null

And to get more information about Panda’s threading, try:

notify-level-thread spam


[16:46:08] Douglas_E, try putting this in Config.prc:
[16:46:11] “support-threads 0”

This made the error go away. It was pro-soft that came up with it. Ask him.

OK. What happens when you try the two Config.prc changes I suggested?


I had to go to sleep.

my config and then the gdb
I turned on threading and added your 2 things.


Panda3D Configuration File - User-Editable Portion


Uncomment one of the following lines to choose whether you should

run using OpenGL or DirectX rendering.

direct-gui-edit #t
load-display pandagl
#support-threads 0

These control the placement and size of the default rendering window.

audio-library-name null
notify-level-thread spam
win-origin 0 0
win-size 800 600

Uncomment this line if you want to run Panda fullscreen instead of

in a window.

fullscreen #f

The framebuffer-hardware flag forces it to use an accelerated driver.

The framebuffer-software flag forces it to use a software renderer.

If you don’t set either, it will use whatever’s available.

framebuffer-hardware #t
framebuffer-software #f
sync-video #f

These set the minimum requirements for the framebuffer.

depth-bits 16
color-bits 16
alpha-bits 0
stencil-bits 0
multisamples 0

These control the amount of output Panda gives for some various

categories. The severity levels, in order, are “spam”, “debug”,

“info”, “warning”, and “error”; the default is “info”. Uncomment

one (or define a new one for the particular category you wish to

change) to control this output.

notify-level warning
default-directnotify-level warning

These specify where model files may be loaded from. You probably

want to set this to a sensible path for yourself. $THIS_PRC_DIR is

a special variable that indicates the same directory as this

particular Config.prc file.

model-path $MAIN_DIR
model-path /usr/share/panda3d
model-path /usr/share/panda3d/models

This enable the automatic creation of a TK window when running


want-directtools #f
want-tk #f

Enable/disable performance profiling tool and frame-rate meter

want-pstats #t
show-frame-rate-meter #t

Enable audio using the FMOD audio library by default:

####################3:audio-library-name p3fmod_audio

Enable the use of the new movietexture class.

use-movietexture #t

The new version of panda supports hardware vertex animation, but it’s not quite ready

hardware-animated-vertices 0

Enable the model-cache, but only for models, not textures.

model-cache-dir /usr/share/panda3d/modelcache

model-cache-textures #f

Limit the use of advanced shader profiles.

Currently, advanced profiles are not reliable under Cg.

basic-shaders-only #t

(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/python
(no debugging symbols found)
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
(no debugging symbols found)
DirectStart: Starting the game.
[New Thread 0x7f09a45816e0 (LWP 9138)]
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
:thread(debug): Starting Thread WriterThread
:thread(debug): MainThread Main ran for 2.24718 s of 0 requested.
:thread(debug): MainThread Main accrued 2.24718 s of 2.24718; budget is 1.12359.
:thread(debug): Exceeded budget.
:thread(debug): Thread WriterThread accrued 0 s of 2.24718; budget is 1.12359.
:thread(debug): Switching to Thread WriterThread for 0.025 s (1 + 0 + 0 other threads ready, 0 blocked, 0 sleeping)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7f09a45816e0 (LWP 9138)]
0xffffffff9fca4ef0 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt full
#0 0xffffffff9fca4ef0 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00007f09a37cfc20 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

Hmm, did you build Panda yourself, or is it the official build provided on this website?

In order to debug this, I may need access to a 64-bit Ubuntu Hardy machine like yours. Would it be possible to temporarily provide ssh access to me on your machine for the purposes of researching this problem?


yes, I can do that. Email me