Packpanda Help Needed

System: Win7 64 bit

the pack build fails with these errors:

warning: uninstall function “un.RemoveFromPath” not referenced - zeroing code (2
32-305) out

warning: install function “AddToPath” not referenced - zeroing code (6335-6375)

warning: install function “RemoveFromPath” not referenced - zeroing code (6375-6
448) out

warning: install function “StrRep” not referenced - zeroing code (6485-6523) out

warning: Variable “READABLE” not referenced, wasting memory!
warning: Variable “MANPAGE” not referenced, wasting memory!
warning: Variable “TUTNAME” not referenced, wasting memory!
Can’t open output file
Error - aborting creation process

Hmm, I’m not very familiar with how packpanda works internally, but indeed these sound like errors in the underlying tool that packpanda uses. Are you sure that you have correctly checked out all of pandapanda and its associated scripts? You might need to examine the packpanda script itself to diagnose this further.


Does packpanda have permission to write at the location of the output file? You might want to try running it with more privileges, or so.

I get most of those errors as well, though it always turns out a working installer.

Another problem I have, that no one seems to notice is that after I install and run a program made with Packpanda, I get an error saying it could not find “ppython.exe” I think its a misspelling in the code or something.

I changed to Panda 1.7.1 which now in the daily builds and will try pdeploy. Will report later if it works or not.

The ppython error shows up in the 1.7.1 as there is no file by that name included.

If pdeploy doesn’t work I will need to build my own installer which brings up the question of: which Panda files to include?

Use the latest CVS version of pdeploy:

And run it with:

panda3d -M '' path/to/pdeploy.p3d ...arguments...

I tried the install from ProSoft which I am not sure how to use and the already installed pdeploy doesn’t work either.

File “C:\Panda3D-1.7.1\direct\p3d\”, line 117, in
from direct.p3d.DeploymentTools import Standalone, Installer
ImportError: No module named direct.p3d.DeploymentTools

Don’t run it directly.

What exactly don’t you understand about how to use the .p3d?

I am trying to do a local install so that it can be loaded via cd or usb drive or possibly downloaded from a web page. From the manual this should build a p3d file: “packp3d -o myapp.p3d -d c:/myapp”
But it doesn’t. Looks like an error in packp3d import.

If make a simple test call such as this the error happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Panda3D-1.7.1\direct\p3d\”, line 92, in
import direct
ImportError: No module named direct

You shouldn’t attempt to run directly. You should use packp3d.p3d instead.