packp3d -r package issue

hopefully this is a simple fix.

Im trying to pack a game and its not including the right modules. I know this because the .exe will work on computers with the module’s DLLs, pyds, libs, and so on but wont work on computers that dont have those.

Running as a .bat

cd c:\program files\panda3d

packp3d -m -o leapGame2.p3d -c framebuffer-stereo=1 -d C:\Users\P2ADMIN\Desktop\Panda\JT\LeapMotion 

pdeploy -s  -P win32 leapGame.p3d standalone

This gets me an .exe that works on the computer with Leap modules installed

Tried setting -p to include the python directory (most of my stuff is in here, but have a .pth file that adds the panda-1.8.1 directory):

cd c:\program files\panda3d

packp3d -m -o leapGame2.p3d -c framebuffer-stereo=1 -d C:\Users\P2ADMIN\Desktop\Panda\JT\LeapMotion -r Leap -p c:\python27\lib

pdeploy -s  -P win32 leapGame.p3d standalone

tried storing them in the packaging folder, with and without the -p command. neither worked.

cd c:\program files\panda3d

packp3d -m -o leapGame2.p3d -c framebuffer-stereo=1 -d C:\Users\P2ADMIN\Desktop\Panda\JT\LeapMotion -r Leap -p C:\Users\P2ADMIN\Desktop\Panda\JT\LeapMotion\packages

pdeploy -s  -P win32 leapGame.p3d standalone

My main assumption here is that the .py file that you import within the files is the “package” but that seems wrong. however, there is no “Leap” package as the download just comes with a few folders and you place the dlls and whatnot in the correct directory.