I am trying to get an animated model from blender to panda, and I have had some success getting the mesh itself to panda, but the animations don’t seem to be making it. I’ve been using blender’s built-in gITF export option, animations seem to be embedded in the file, but when I load them in panda and tell it to play an animation, instead of performing the full animation it seems to loop the first couple frames. I’m fairly certain that it’s exporting properly as I have tested the model in other programs which can read gITF and the animations perform perfectly, but I have no idea if there’s some specific export setting that I need for animations to work properly in panda.
testActor.blend (108.1 KB)
Here’s the blend file I’m using, I’d upload the gITF as well, but it seems to be too big.
And here’s the code I’ve been using to test the model in panda
from panda3d.core import loadPrcFileData
import gltf
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
confVars = """
win-size 1280 720
window-title testing
show-frame-rate-meter true
loadPrcFileData("", confVars)
class MyGame(ShowBase):
def __init__(self):
#only disables default mouse camera controls
# loading models
self.noodle = Actor("models/testActor.gltf")
anim_names = self.noodle.get_anim_names()
game = MyGame()