New Panda, New samples?

Maybe because there isn’t any.

I don’t know why you sensed any negative emotion from pure text, but I can speak for myself and there’s no emotion attached to my post, only constructive criticism. I’ve mentioned why I disagree and proposed a different approach I consider better, hence it’s constructive. I believe I have no emotional investment in this because I have Godot and Unity as well as Panda in my game dev arsenal, if one doesn’t evolve how I expect I always have an alternative option.

It’s not the end of the world if it turns out the community can’t make good looking models or code any sensible samples. But why not let us try? It’s my own time I’m wasting after all.

I don’t quite understand how I’m obstructing you from trying by just stating my opinion in text. You’re free to waste your time, as you put it. I wouldn’t say you’re wasting your time, by the way, even if your models aren’t good making new models in never a waste of time for an artist because that’s how you improve.

And I don’t think it’s the “end of the world” either and I don’t know why you use such extreme words to interpret what I said.

That said, and still trying to be purely constructive here I do believe we are as a community are wasting our time here trying to improve something we are not skilled for. Non professional or student artists have made this exact same thread already and it got nowhere:

Some people are good at coding and some are good in art, sure, art is subjective but there is some level of common ground when it comes to what we consider good. And I believe stating something is not good enough isn’t bad emotions at play but just an honest response. In art forums such as Blenderartists you’ll get bombarded with harsh but constructive comments why your models need improving and how to improve them, this is not the forum or topic for it I believe. But if you really want I can provide my constructive criticism, but for a character I’ll need a 4 view render and see the wireframe first.

What results are we talking about?

I’ve been using Panda for 11 years and used the forum for 10. The samples have been mostly unchanged. The idea for improving the assets have been proposed several times, each time going nowhere. I just feel like we are doing the same thing again expecting different result. My opinion is that the bottom line is most programmers can’t make good enough assets and I don’t see any in this topic either, that’s all. I’m not saying I’m any better at it either.

Because I’m not seeing any good art. I think that’s the most reasonable conclusion. Show me something and I’ll change my mind.

The point of better assets is not to make them good enough to be reused in actual projects, the point of good looking assets in samples is same as good looking assets in the engine screenshoots: to give good first impression. This is not just a game engine thing. Go to Unity’s site, Godot’s, Blender’s or even GIMP’s, they all have good art in the front pages for a reason: to attract new users.

Again, if you want to make assets, go for it, I can’t stop you, but if it doesn’t look good there’s no purely nice way to state it, sorry.