I’m have an error trying to compile the panda source:
The following command returned a non-zero value: g++ -ftemplate-depth-50 -fPIC -c -o built/tmp/p3gles2gsg_gles2gsg.o -Ibuilt/tmp -Ibuilt/include -I/usr/include/python2.7 -I/usr/include/eigen3 -Ipanda/src/gles2gsg -Ipanda/src/glstuff -pthread -fno-exceptions -msse2 -ffast-math -fno-finite-math-only -O2 -DBUILDING_PANDAGLES2 panda/src/gles2gsg/gles2gsg.cxx
Storing dependency cache.
Elapsed Time: 9 min 37 sec
Build process aborting.
Build terminated.
UPDATE: I got it to build, now I get this error:
ImportError: cannot import name PriorityCallbacks