Issues with Yabee exporter

Greetings and welcome! :slight_smile:

First of all, I’m not familiar with “4Shared”, and I see quite a few ads and several links–I’m honestly a little nervous about clicking on anything on that page. I performed a quick experiment with the forum’s attachment system, using a zip of my own, and it seemed to attach correctly. (To be specific, I believe that I clicked on “Upload attachment”, then on “Browse”, then selected my zip file and clicked on “Add the file”; after this the page refreshed and my attachment was available in the same space, below the post-editor.) When you tried, was there an error message? Perhaps the file was too big for the attachment system on the forum?

Now, on to your issues with YABEE:

First of all, I believe that the most recent version of YABEE is intended for version 2.66 of Blender; while so small a difference in version seems unlikely to be a source of problems, especially since you are getting files exported, if at the end of this you’re still having problems it might be worth downgrading to that version.

My first guess–and this is supported by my memory of another person who had a similar issue with a model exported by MakeHuman, I believe–is that the MakeHuman version has one or more materials attached, while your Blender-only object has none. Panda, I believe, only renders material colours when the object is lit (even, I think, if that’s only by an ambient light). Try adding a light to your scene (a DirectionalLight is probably the safest choice for experimental purposes), and see whether your MakeHuman-object’s colours appear.

I’m not sure of why the MakeHuman model actually disappears; however, my memory of that same previous issue suggests that it may be worth checking the materials of the object, in particular checking that “transparency” isn’t set or the alpha alue set to 0. Note! If the alpha value is less than 1, I recommend setting it to 1, even if “transparency” is off–YABEE seems to use the alpha value regardless of whether the “transparency” value is set, as I recall.

That previous thread may be of use to you: this link should take you to it.

This one’s trickier to answer without looking at the model itself. However, in Blender, check that your textures are mapped using the model’s UV-maps. To check this, in a “Properties” view, go to the “Textures” tab, and for each texture in turn scroll down to “Mapping” and check that the “Coordinates” drop-down is set to “UV” and “Map” is set to the model’s UV-map (or an appropriate one, if it has multiple).