Invalid attempt to detect collision from CollisionRay into..

I am attempting to apply simple collisions to three panda models, but I keep getting this error:

:collide(error): Invalid attempt to detect collision from CollisionRay into CollisionRay!

This means that a CollisionRay object attempted to test for an
intersection into a CollisionRay object. This intersection
test has not yet been defined; it is possible the CollisionRay
object is not intended to be collidable. Consider calling
set_into_collide_mask(0) on the CollisionRay object, or
set_from_collide_mask(0) on the CollisionRay object.

I’ve been looking around and havent found/understood what the error is :slight_smile: nyahah, can anyone help me?

import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject # Used for events I belive [CHECK]
from direct.task import Task # Uses for tasks
import sys # used for events and all them nekos ^-^
from pandac.PandaModules import *

# - Create a more effective way to load many NPCs
# - Apply Collisions to them individualy
class collisionClass():   
    def __init__(self, classNode, num=None):
        self.node = classNode
        self.collTrav = CollisionTraverser() #the collision traverser. we need this to perform collide in the end
        self.collTrav.showCollisions(render) #just to visualize the collisions
        #setting up a collision handler queue which will collect the collisions in a list
        queue = CollisionHandlerQueue()
        print "Len of NPC: ", len(num)
        # this is an array, that was created, then added to each time a NPC node was added to the scene
        for child in num:
            #our "from" node which is able to bump into "into" objects gets attached to the player
            fromObject = child.attachNewNode(CollisionNode('colNode'))
            #the actual solid which will be used as "from" object. in this case a ray pointing downwards from the players center
            fromObject.node().addSolid(CollisionRay(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))
            #and now we turn turn of the collision for the playermodel so it wont collide with the ray or anything.
            #now set the bitmask of the "from" object to match the bitmask of the "into" object
            #add the from object to the queue so its collisions will get listed in it.
            self.collTrav.addCollider(fromObject, queue)
            #this just visualizes the collision ray so we can see it.
        for i in range(queue.getNumEntries()):
            entry = queue.getEntry(i)
            print entry      

class world(DirectObject):
    def __init__(self):
        self.accept("escape", sys.exit)
        # Create flat floor
        floor = render.attachNewNode(PandaNode("Floor"))
        for y in range(12):
          for x in range(12):
            nn = floor.attachNewNode(cm.generate())
            nn.setPos((x-6)*4, (y-6)*4, 0)
        self.npcRoot = render.attachNewNode("npcRoot") # Root of all Evil erm NPC
        self.npc = []
        for i in range (3):
            self.miyu = self.npcRoot.attachNewNode(PandaNode('npc_miyu')) # Attach an NPC to the root
            self.miyu = loader.loadModel("panda")
        collisionClass(self.npcRoot, self.npc)

Did I do it right? Or Did you have some end goal?

import direct.directbase.DirectStart 
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject # Used for events I belive [CHECK] 
from direct.task import Task # Uses for tasks 
import sys # used for events and all them nekos ^-^ 
from pandac.PandaModules import * 

# - Create a more effective way to load many NPCs 
# - Apply Collisions to them individualy 
class collisionClass():    
    def __init__(self, classNode, num=None): 
        self.node = classNode 
        self.collTrav = CollisionTraverser() #the collision traverser. we need this to perform collide in the end 
        self.collTrav.showCollisions(render) #just to visualize the collisions 
        #setting up a collision handler queue which will collect the collisions in a list 
        queue = CollisionHandlerQueue() 
        print "Len of NPC: ", len(num) 
        # this is an array, that was created, then added to each time a NPC node was added to the scene 
        for child in num: 
            #our "from" node which is able to bump into "into" objects gets attached to the player 
            fromObject = child.attachNewNode(CollisionNode('colNode')) 
            #the actual solid which will be used as "from" object. in this case a ray pointing downwards from the players center 
            fromObject.node().addSolid(CollisionRay(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)) 
            #and now we turn turn of the collision for the playermodel so it wont collide with the ray or anything. 
            #now set the bitmask of the "from" object to match the bitmask of the "into" object 
            #add the from object to the queue so its collisions will get listed in it. 
            self.collTrav.addCollider(fromObject, queue) 
            #this just visualizes the collision ray so we can see it. 
        for i in range(queue.getNumEntries()): 
            entry = queue.getEntry(i) 
            print entry      

class world(DirectObject): 
    def __init__(self): 
        self.accept("escape", sys.exit) 
        # Create flat floor 
        floor = render.attachNewNode(PandaNode("Floor")) 
        for y in range(12): 
          for x in range(12): 
            nn = floor.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) 
            nn.setPos((x-6)*4, (y-6)*4, 0) 
        self.npcRoot = render.attachNewNode("npcRoot") # Root of all Evil erm NPC 
        self.npc = [] 
        for i in range (3): 
            self.miyu = self.npcRoot.attachNewNode(PandaNode('npc_miyu')) # Attach an NPC to the root 
            self.miyu = loader.loadModel("panda") 
        collisionClass(self.npcRoot, self.npc) 

I had run a diff on those two segments and was going to look at it, but then a sudden storm came up and wiped out power – and my temporary UltraEdit document.

Anyway, from what I remembered, you were setting the Into mask on the parent node that the collisionNode was attached to, but not the actual fromObject that you were creating.

Looks like adr fixed that, so that should be it. Sorry this reply is not more helpful. :slight_smile: