Imported (using YABEE) model rendered with patches.

Hi to all,

As you can see from the image above, an imported model from blender using the latest YABEE version has some issues; the cloth and hair of the model are transparent in some areas. This is only if the model is zoomed out to a certain extent.

This image below shows that the error isn’t there when the image is at a certain distance:

Also, the error is only there on an older computer. When I shift to the newer computer, there is no problem; the model shows as is intended, whether or not it is at a certain distance.

Is there some sort of setting that I need to use to solve this? It really isn’t a modelling issue, because in blender, the model looks alright, and it also looks alright in the newer computer.

I’m using version 1.72. An earlier connected post on the topic is here:

Though that was a different issue I think, unless it’s just the same thing…I think they might be connected, but not exactly the same. The specs for my “old” and “new” computers are also posted there.

How can this be resolved?

Thanks in advance.

Are you tried to play with near/far plain of the camera? Is it affects on result?
Also about parts under the clothes - look at this topic Questions Exporting from Blender , may be the problem is similar if you use “mask” modifier for hiding parts in Blender?

Hi ninth, thank you for the response.

Your suggestion fixed the bug; I played with the near-far aspects of the camera lens and the patches disappeared. Also, no, I do not use mask modifiers, the inside of the clothes have no skin, except just enough to show when animating; you see this character is wearing a vest, and so there needs to be some skin left to show for when he is lifting his arms or fighting and so on.

However…there is one inconvenience that is not a bug, but just has to do with the way things appear and disappear from the near-far bounds:

But that is not a bug…just something I’ll have to live with!

I appreciate your help as always ninth, thank you very much.

As I know, It’s common issue with the near/far plane of the camera and old hardware, it related to the depth test accuracy, which depends on distance between near and far plane. Also near plane has a greater impact because dependency is not linear.
Also, try to test your model with 0.1-100 near-far, this is default values for cameras in Blender.
If the results are not similar, then possible we should ask about this difference someone, who more familiar with Panda internals.

On using the 0.1-100 near-far setting, this was the result:

It did solve the newer issue raised; but just returned the patches in an even weirder form…

You could send me a copy of the model, if you can, so that I can take a closer look.

What I suspect, though, is that you have geometry that is just too close to each other, and that what you’re seeing is z-fighting artifacts. Turning up the precision on your depth buffer by changing the near and far planes might work to help with that - and asking Panda for a higher precision depth buffer by putting “depth-bits 24” in your Config.prc might work even better (this is, I reckon, what Blender does).

However, I think a much better solution is just to add more distance between your clothing geometry and your torso geometry, so that there’s no z-fighting to begin with.

Hi there rdb,

I first of all apologize profusely for my late response; I was pretty busy and I must have not seen your reply. Secondly, thank you times a million for telling me about the depth buffer configuration, changing up to 24 bits fixed everything; I didn’t have to even use any near far camera settings. I appreciate this profusely.

Lastly, this is another issue, though I speculate it should be fixed on the modelling side; if you take a look at the image below:

You can see that part of the lava protrudes from the snow-terrain. i couldn’t make a gif as each time I tried, the change in frame-rate was so high that nothing was captured…anyways, that protrusion on the edge of the lava is actually a flicker; I made it so that it is underneath the snow-terrain, but on exporting it to .egg format, it is rendered with a constant flicker. Is there a way to address this without resorting to correcting it in blender?

Thank you for your time.

Maybe a terrain.setDepthOffset(1) can solve it? // or some other value.

This is another example of z-fighting, and I really do recommend fixing these issues in the modelling program. Failing that, you could add a position offset in Panda3D with a very slight Z offset to force the planes to be separated.

Failing that, heek_’ suggestion might work, although depth offsets may produce inconsistent results between different graphics drivers. (A slightly more reliable option would be to tweak the depth range slightly, but it’s better to just give it a constant Z offset.)