How to build a semantic camera

Hi community,

I am using Panda3D for AI projects and need to generate some semantic maps. I searched the forum and didn’t find anything related, so I would like to ask for some instructions.

A straightforward idea is to add a new column to the vertex data for each model. This column will indicate which color it should be rendered so that I can retrieve it in the shader and change the base color to the target semantic color. I am not sure if this is the best way to do it. If it is ok, how can I add new information to the vertex data?

Thank you in advance!

In fact, you can use the basic data of the material for these purposes.

uniform struct p3d_MaterialParameters {
    vec4 ambient;
    vec4 diffuse;
    vec4 baseColor;
    vec4 emission;
    float roughness;
    float metallic;
    vec3 specular;
    float shininess;
} p3d_Material;

vec4  color = p3d_Material.diffuse

Regarding your question. You can create a new GeomVertexFormat.

Thank you very much @serega-kkz

Yes, using material is a good way. But I want to apply this effect to a new buffer/camera only and keep the rendering result of the main window unchanged with the original texture/shading. So I guess your second suggestion would be the only way to achieve this.

Hmm… If there is only one colour/id per object, could you perhaps set a colour on or apply a shader-input to each affected NodePath?

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Thank you! @Thaumaturge

Yes, the second way would be great as I want to keep the content of the main window unchanged and render the whole scene to a new buffer where objects have semantic color instead.

I believe applying shader input to each model node path is better than modifying the vertex data. Thanks!

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There is a way to do this without using a shader. Just setting up RenderState and installing it with the help of a tag for the camera.


Expanding further on @serega-kkz’s idea, which doesn’t require a custom shader, the idea is that you give an object a particular tag, like:

object1.setTag("type", "vehicle")
object2.setTag("type", "pedestrian")

And then you tell the camera to assign a different state to the object depending on this tag:

# Disable lighting on this camera

# Give a unique state to each object depending on its "type" tag
camera.setTagState("vehicle", RenderState.make(ColorAttrib.makeFlat((0, 0, 1, 1))))
camera.setTagState("pedestrian", RenderState.make(ColorAttrib.makeFlat((1, 0, 0, 1))))

You might need to set an override value when creating the render states. You can also set the state in a more programmer-friendly way on a dummy node from which you extract the state using np.state.


Thank you. I made it according to @rdb advice with a minor modification:

camera.setInitialState(RenderState.make(LightAttrib.makeOff(), 1))

In my experience, the override flag should be turned on, or it won’t work in my case. In the following figures, I also turn off the TextureAttrib.

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