Having trouble enabling MSAA while using FilterManager

I’ve learning to write postprocessing shaders with FilterManager, and rewrote the sample cartoon ink shader in glsl. However, when I setup my scene to render to texture with filter manager, MSAA doesn’t seem to work. I looked into CommonFilters and I thought I copied what was relevant to getting MSAA working, but it’s still jaggy compared to the scene without FilterManager. Is there something I’m totally missing?

I’m currently on panda 1.10.13

    def loadScreenShader(self):
        if self.quad is None:
            manager = FilterManager(base.win, base.cam)

            colortex = Texture()
            depthtex = Texture()
            fbprops = FrameBufferProperties()
            self.quad = manager.renderSceneInto(colortex=colortex, depthtex=depthtex, fbprops=fbprops)
            self.quad.setShaderInput("tex", colortex)
            self.quad.setShaderInput("depthTex", depthtex)
            self.quad.setShaderInput("normalTex", self.normalsTexture)

            camNode = manager.camera.node()
            state = camNode.getInitialState()

        self.quad.setShader(Shader.load(Shader.SL_GLSL, vertex="screen.vert.glsl", fragment="screen.frag.glsl"))
        self.quad.setShaderInput("separation", LVecBase4(self.separation, 0, self.separation, 0))
        self.quad.setShaderInput("cutoff", LVecBase4(self.cutoff))

I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I’m rendering the normals to a separate buffer like in the cartoon sample:

        self.normalsTexture = Texture()
        normalsBuffer = self.win.makeTextureBuffer("normalsBuffer", 0, 0, self.normalsTexture)
        normalsBuffer.setClearColor(LVecBase4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1))
        self.normalsCamera = self.makeCamera(normalsBuffer, lens=self.cam.node().getLens())
        tempnode = NodePath(PandaNode("temp node"))
        tempnode.setShaderInput("prepass", True)
load-display pandagl

win-size 1440 900
multisamples 8
framebuffer-multisamples #f
framebuffer-srgb truein
show-frame-rate-meter #t
sync-video #f

I don’t use a filter manager, so I’m unlikely to be able to advise you anything. However, I see that you have disabled the additional buffer for samples.

framebuffer-multisamples #f

it must be true

framebuffer-multisamples #t

The commonfilters docs explicitly call out not to set it

I don’t know what I changed between then and now and it seems to be working with framebuffer-multisamples #f now…