Having trouble building for Android

Hello… I am unable to build for Android using this guide :Building for Android — Panda3D Manual

My setup.py is as shown:

from setuptools import setup

pkgs = ['components', 'levels']

PRC_DATA = '''
load-display pandagles2
aux-display pandagles

notify-level info
gl-debug true

        'build_apps': {
            'application_id': 'surf.ok.panda3d_android',
            'android_version_code': 1,
            'gui_apps': {
                'panda3d_android': 'main.py',
            'plugins': [
            'include_patterns': [
            'extra_prc_data': PRC_DATA,
            'platforms': ['android'],
    classifiers=['Topic :: Games/Entertainment'],

I have tried it with and without the ‘android’ platform type.

I get the following error:

running bdist_apps
error: error in setup script: command 'build_apps' has no such option 'application_id'

If I comment that line out I get this error:

$ python setup.py bdist_apps
running bdist_apps
error: error in setup script: command 'build_apps' has no such option 'android_version_code'

I am on Windows 11 as of now.
version is panda3d==1.10.14

Building for Windows always works great, but after making the suggested modifications for Android I can’t get it to build.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

What version of Panda3D are you using? I note that the manual page to which you linked indicates that it’s for the as-yet-unreleased 1.11.0 version–it may be that those options are not available in the current versions.

You might thus be able to get it to work with the latest master build of the engine–but be aware that, being a work-in-progress, these may well be unstable!

ah yes you are right! I didn’t realize that the version was newer than the latest one on pypi.

I wonder if @rdb knows when it will be released? :smiley:

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When it’s done :wink: Which is unfortunately not yet in the very near future.

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Thanks for the info! :smiley: