FPS camera

i make a fps camera in a 3d world but when i’m on below, my camera rotate to left on my moving mouse on right and vice versa.
I use this code to control the camera

md = base.win.getPointer(0) 
        x = md.getX() 
        y = md.getY()
        rotVel = 0.4
        if base.win.movePointer(0, base.win.getXSize()/2, base.win.getYSize()/2):
            self.cam.setH(self.cam.getH() -  (x - base.win.getXSize()/2)*rotVel)
            self.cam.setP(self.cam.getP() - (y - base.win.getYSize()/2)*rotVel) 
    	vel = 200
    	if (self.keys['forward']):
            backward = self.cam.getNetTransform().getMat().getRow3(1)
            self.cam.setPos(self.cam.getPos() + backward*(task.getDt()*vel))
        if (self.keys['back']):
            backward = self.cam.getNetTransform().getMat().getRow3(1)
            self.cam.setPos(self.cam.getPos() - backward*(task.getDt()*vel))
        if (self.keys['right']):
            backward = self.cam.getNetTransform().getMat().getRow3(0)
            self.cam.setPos(self.cam.getPos() + backward*(task.getDt()*vel))
    	if (self.keys['left']):
            backward = self.cam.getNetTransform().getMat().getRow3(0)
            self.cam.setPos(self.cam.getPos() - backward*(task.getDt()*vel))
            backward = self.cam.getNetTransform().getMat().getRow3(2)
            self.cam.setPos(self.cam.getPos() + backward*(task.getDt()*vel))
            backward = self.cam.getNetTransform().getMat().getRow3(2)
            self.cam.setPos(self.cam.getPos() - backward*(task.getDt()*vel))

why does this appening ?

Because the H, P, R rotations are all defined to be counterclockwise, by convention. This means that +H rotates the camera to the left.


i don’t understand what do you tell me! :frowning:

My code works correctly until i’m on below…

Just change the first - to a + in your setH call.

the - operation is right.
I’m going to explain better my issue:
When i turn of 180 degrees on x axis, the left’s movement of the mouse generates a right’s movement of the camera. It appends because i’m upside down. To avoid this behavior, am i obliged to add a check or does a workaround exist?

thanks for your patience

Sounds like you want to adjust the camera relative to its current orientation. You can set the H relative to the camera itself: self.cam.setH(self.cam, newH).


Wouldn’t it be better to just prevent the camera from going up side down? In most FPP games that doesn’t happen, so you should just code in a limiter for the camera’s pitch.

Ever played “Prey” mate? :slight_smile:

Heh, good point. Still, that’s a rather unusual case :wink:. Same to Alien vs. Predator.

To use self.cam.setH(self.cam, newH) method, I write this:

self.cam.setH(self.cam.getH(), -  (x - base.win.getXSize()/2)*rotVel))

but no work correctly

Thanks for all

That’s not what I said. Try this:

self.cam.setH(self.cam, -  (x - base.win.getXSize()/2)*rotVel))
