fmod help needed i can't use panda

i have installed oanda and once i try to run the greeting card or anything it say spmething about an entry point not found at fmod.dll

plz help

Do you have another copy of fmod.dll in some other folder on your system? Try using Windows find to see if you do–it may be conflicting with the one Panda uses.

You must have installed Panda3D 1.0.5, right? Try uninstalling this one, and then installing Panda3D 1.1.0 instead. I believe in this version, Josh has renamed fmod.dll to pandafmod.dll, so that it won’t conflict with other dll’s already installed elsewhere.


i have installed and uninstalled both versions and had the same problem i shall try again but any other sugestions?

Did you search your system for fmod.dll?


yeah and the only ones i found were for panda

Well, tell us more about the error message, then. What is the entry point that it says is not found in fmod.dll? That might give us a clue.
