Flash? in Linux?

I have just made the swap to linux (kubuntu) and I cant seem to get flash working (what was working in windows) It was using wxPython. Does anybody have any way to load flash in Linux through python code?

You can download the flash player for linux at www.adobe.com.

ive installed the flash player from adobe but it didnt work!!! is it supposed to make the flash playing code from wxPython work?

I am not talking about usual flash files, i am talking about launching a flash file from within panda (you pick up a book on the table, and it loads a flash file) I am using wxPython to do this. It works perfectly under windows, but not under linux (the program crashes under linux)

I’ve never heard of being able to launch Flash from within wxPython. Adobe itself says they only support flash players that run within a browser. I’ve heard of being able to play Flash by using something like wxMozilla, which effectively opens a browser within a wxPython window, but I believe this takes advantage of the COM protocol under Windows, so who knows what it does, or if it even works at all, under Linux?

Anyway, this sounds like more of a question for the wxPython team than for us Panda developers.
