Error Installing Panda3D on Windows 10


I am facing an issue while trying to install Panda3D on my Windows 10 machine. After downloading the latest version of Panda3D from the official website & running the installer; the installation process seems to complete successfully. However; when I try to run a basic script to test the installation, I receive errors indicating missing dependencies. :upside_down_face: I have referred Debugging — Panda3D Manual Okta documentation guide but still need advice .

Specifically; it seems that certain DLL files are not being recognized, even though I have checked the installation directory and they appear to be there.

I have tried reinstalling Panda3D and updating my graphics drivers; but the issue persists. Could anyone provide guidance on what dependencies may need to be manually installed or configured for Panda3D to run properly on my system? :thinking:

Would appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you detail the specific error messages you have received?