Error Installation of RenderPipeline stops at

Hi there. Can somebody help me why Im getting this error.

  1. I placed render_pipeline/ folder inside my project
  2. Ran via command prompt (…python

it stops at
[ 04 ] Filtering default cubemap:
Running script: data/default_cubemap/

I was prompted with a warning in green text:
It seems the setup failed , do you want to open troubleshooting page?

PS. I tried running this just to make sure I have panda3d installed well. it works though
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

  class Game(ShowBase):
      def __init__(self):

  app = Game()

Note that the original installer RenderPipeline is called Why is yours different? You’d better post the full output from console.

oh yes that was a typo. it’s

it shows this error:

[ 04 ] Filtering default cubemap …
Running script: data/default_cubemap/
:display:wgldisplay(error): Could not create GL context.
:ShowBase(warning): Unable to open ‘offscreen’ window.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\John\PycharmProjects\panda3d_architectural\render_pipeline\data\default_cu

bemap\", line 106, in


File "C:\Users\John\PycharmProjects\panda3d_architectural\render_pipeline\data\default_cu

bemap\", line 48, in init


File “C:\Panda3D-1.10.10-x64\direct\showbase\”, line 339, in init
self.openDefaultWindow(startDirect = False, props=props)
File “C:\Panda3D-1.10.10-x64\direct\showbase\”, line 1021, in openDefaultWindow
self.openMainWindow(*args, **kw)
File “C:\Panda3D-1.10.10-x64\direct\showbase\”, line 1056, in openMainWindow
self.openWindow(*args, **kw)
File “C:\Panda3D-1.10.10-x64\direct\showbase\”, line 801, in openWindow
raise Exception(‘Could not open window.’)
Exception: Could not open window.
Failed to execute ‘’
Output: Command ‘[‘C:\Users\John\PycharmProjects\panda3d_architectural\venv\Scripts\
python.exe’, ‘-B’, ‘’]’ returned non
It seems the setup failed, do you want to open the troubleshooting page for this step? (y/n)

Now it is clear what is happening, for some reason the window is not being created. Perhaps your video card does not meet the requirements of the minimum RenderPipeline. For example does not support GL version 4 3

Find out the capabilities of your video card.

mine is GeForce GTX 850M. is this fine? any alternatives?

I can’t find the specification for your video card.

Refer to the system information or use any program to display all the characteristics. Perhaps you should update the driver to the latest one.

Do you have both an integrated and dedicated card? You may need to switch the operating system or driver settings to force it to use the dedicated card for Python.

I changed the country and I was provided with this information.

From which we can conclude that it fits the requirements.

@rdb Is it possible to make the panda output the used video card and driver at startup? This will make it easier to diagnose such problems.

Yes, put notify-level-glgsg debug in Config.prc. It prints out diagnostic information about the renderer.

I finally found it!!!
NVIDIA Control Panel → Manage 3D Settings → added the python application,
Open GL Rendering GPU, switched it to NVIDIA Geforce GTX 850M (the old one is placed in autoselect), system probably using intel graphics for it

I was also able to load 06-car sample.

Thank guys, your answers point me to that direction as the GPU openGL setting is the culprit.

I meant by default, short information about the video card.