enter the newb...dun, dun-dun...some questions...

hey, i’m new to panda3d, i’ve known about it for a long time though. (the sort of intense guy who pores through feature lists and forums etc.)

i’m do gamemaking as a hobby, and learn new stuff fast when i’m psyched :smiling_imp: , so i decided that i’m going to make a 3d game.

why did i choose panda? mainly, after giving it much thought, i decided that if panda is good enough for disney, its good enough for me, lol. another reason is that i’m into c++, and i guess python wouldn’t go amiss either… :stuck_out_tongue:

looked at a couple of other engines:

-irrlicht (graphics engine, albeit a pretty intense one. doesn’t seem to have a general game framework to go with it, or am i wrong?)

-crystal space (heard alot of negative reviews saying its ‘bloated’. looks quality, but the learning curve is apparently steep. the CELstart thing was slow, and doesn’t package into standalones…)

-nebula device (used to create about 20(?) commercial games by radon labs i think, plus nd3 is in the works, but the lack of support and general hype irks me…)

-zombie engine (fork of nd2, used by tragnarion studios, didn’t seem to work, for my computer anyways…the end.)

-jme (java not my thing.)

so, panda3d all the way. just some questions:

  1. how are panda3d’s 2d capabilities, like for HUDs and menus etc?
  2. how about mouse, joystick, game controller, and keyboard input capabilities?
  3. is the blender->panda3d pipeline straightforward?
  4. any limitations of scripting in python? how much control do you lose by using, over using c++?
  5. any limitations of panda3d?
  6. is panda3d slow in any aspects?


  1. Panda has 2D capabilities. You could even make a 2D game entirely in Panda.
  2. Panda has full support for mouse and keyboard. I believe joystick and controllers too, but most people use pygame for joysticks.
  3. Yep, through the Chicken exporter.
  4. Nothing, really. Programming in Python opens a whole new world, I really recommend it :slight_smile:
  5. Yes. Currently, there is no built-in shadows support (but this is in development and planned for future 1.7.0 release). That’s all, I think.
  6. No. Since it’s core is C++, it’s very fast. Since Disney aims their games for lower-end computers, Panda development is also very centered at performance optimization. Also, there are profiling and performance analyzing programs with Panda that makes you able to track down bottlenecks really quick.

wow, that was a fast reply, suppose its another reason to use panda :smiley:

ok, thanks,

also, i heard a while back that there were minor license problems with panda, is it cleared up now?

Yes, entirely cleared up. Panda switched to the BSD license since version 1.5.3, so that should be no problem. Almost can’t get anything more free than that.
